压铆螺柱标注方式 说到标注方式,顺便解释下这些字母、数字都代表什么意思,就拿SO(S)-3.5M3-6-ZI来说吧: SO代表螺柱类型,后面加上S表示材质是不锈钢,碳钢默认后面不带其它代号。3.5M3代表螺纹代码,螺纹代码有M3、3.5M3、M4、M5、M6。6表示长度代号,范围3-34。ZI代表表面处理代码,是镀锌(Zinc)的简称。 对美制...
回收芯片BCM7022KPB1收库存电子贴片晶振 规格型号 IPN80R2K0P7-SOP-8、ISS17EP06LMXTSA1-SOP-8、AUIRF7342QTR-SOP-8、IRF7351PBF-SOP-8、BSS314PEH6327XTSA1-SOP-8、IPLK80R750P7ATMA1-SOP-8、BF,1009SR,E6327-SOP-8、IRF7853PBF-SOP-8、IRFPS3810PBF-SOP-8、IPN95R3K7P7-SOP-8、IRLL2703TRPBF-...
All of a sudden, for the past few days I've been having multiple blue screen errors. I can't figure out what's going on, and I hope that one of you who reads this posting can. Here is a link to the minidump files for the five BSODs I've had today. https://1drv.ms/f/s!
All of a sudden, for the past few days I've been having multiple blue screen errors. I can't figure out what's going on, and I hope that one of you who reads this posting can. Here is a link to the minidump files for the five BSODs I've had today. ...