Brief Information:Border Security Force (BSF) has published a notification for the recruitment of Group B & C (Combatised) (Non Gazetted-Non Ministerial) vacancy. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the notification & apply onli...
Border Security Forceinvited online applications for recruitment to the following 90 Posts (Group B) of Inspector and Sub Inspector (Works and Electrical) under Engineering Set up. All eligible male and female candidates can apply online for the BSF Engg Vacancies of SI,Assistant Sub Inspector, H...
Last Modified 8-01-2023 BSF GD Constable Current Affairs: Get Monthly Current Affairs Updates BSF GD Constable Around 10 thousand vacancies are released for male and female candidates, and lakhs of aspirants apply to enter this competitive BSF GD Constable recruitment across... Last Modified 8-01...