The BSD-2000 hyperthermia used for the deep regional heating of cancerous tumors. Multiple sized applicators allows access to torso, limb or pediatric solutions
BSD-2000 Hyperthermia System Clinical Studies Detailed Summary Data and Bibliography!HT (hyperthermia) and RT(radiation therapy) or CT(chemotherapy) treatment of patients with primary vaginal cancer.Linden
Induced hyperthermia by the BSD-2000 system in combination with radiotherapy and chemotherapy does not have a negative impact on quality of life (QOL) in colorectal cancer, according to the results of a Germany-based study published in the International Journal of Hyperthermia . A total of 137 ...
The BSD 2000 system is an array of microwave antennas operating in the 60120 MHz range. It is a four-quadrant regional hyperthermia device with phase control permitting the operator to choose the point of constructive interference. A computer preplanning system is provided. We have compared the ...
The BSD 2000 system is an array of microwave antennas operating in the 60–120 MHz range. It is a four-quadrant regional hyperthermia device with phase control permitting the operator to choose the point of constructive interference. A computer preplanning system is provided. We have compared the...
BSD Medical Reports Publication Of Chinese Study Using The BSD-2000 Hyperthermia System To Treat Lung Cancer
The article reports on the new BSD-2000 hyperthermia system from BSD Medical used in Liaocheng People Hospital in China. According to the author, the hospital is the main cancer center in the city, equipped with the late...
Cancer Treatment Centers Of America In Philadelphia Purchases BSD-2000 Hyperthermia System From BSD Medical
Part I: Technical description of the measurement system. Int J Hyperthermia. 2000;16:355-363.Gromoll C, Lamprecht U, Hehr T, Buchgeister M and Bamberg M 2000 An on-line phase measurement system for quality assurance of the bsd 2000: Part I. Technical description of the measurement system ...
A comparison of the results of the pretreatment planning software for the BSD-2000 hyperthermia system and measurements in an anthropomorphic phantom is shown. The planning system gives information of the locations of regions with relative high and low temperature values. The conversion into absolute ...