As a result, the learning stick is a platform for so-called Bring Your Own Device scenarios, in which students can also use their private devices for school purposes, such as exams in an secure offline/online environment. 253. mAid (253)mAid (previously known as FWUL - Forget Windows Use...
All of this sounds nice, but it also sounds like the mission for every open source project and high school computer class. While I didn't find any practical documentation for end users, I did find repositories wheresoftware is being packaged. There isn't a lot there yet, compared with oth...
It is not intended to replace or become the main operating system of a modern computer, but an upgrade for obsolete equipment and benefiting the school or educational environment in the spirit of education.124. TurnKey Linux (266)TurnKey Linux is a Debian-based virtual appliance library that ...
PrimTux is a Debian- and Ubuntu-based distribution developed by a small team of school teachers and computer enthusiasts in educational environments. It is not intended to replace or become the main operating system of a modern computer, but an upgrade for obsolete equipment and benefiting the ...