Sep 28, 2023 Edited If you're looking for a modern laptop or workstation to run NetBSD onto, you're in the right place. Useful resources Before posting here, please make sure to check these sources (both official and unofficial)
If you have an extra or unwanted copy of any official manuals or documentation on this operating system, please send them to: Milo, POB 1361, Tustin, CA 92781, USA. I have the following items: NONE.Note: I am looking for a fan of FreeBSD who has the time to check this web site ...
The “50 Years” Book is coming… Dirt: The Permadeath Drive. Pop Culture Has Become an Oligopoly. (via) Learning Synths. (alsovia) The InterLisp Restoration Project. (via) Your unrelated video of the week:Frank & Beans – Hugo [official video]. I’ve linked to othershardcore stuffbefore...
The project began its life as an Ubuntu "remix", but starting with version 15.04, it was formally accepted as an official member of the Ubuntu family of Linux distributions.88. OpenBSD (88)The OpenBSD project produces a free, multi-platform BSD 4.4-based UNIX-like operating system. Its ...
The FreeBSD newcomer will find that the first section of this book guides the user through the FreeBSD installation process and gently introduces the concepts and conventions that underpin UNIX。 Working through this section requires little more than the desire to explore, and the ability to take...
This tutorial does not explain the basics of assembly language. There are enough resources about that (for a complete online course in assembly language, see Randall Hyde’s Art of Assembly Language; or if you prefer a printed book, take a look at Jeff Duntemann’s As...
Installed updates from closer official mirror here in NZ, in terms of hops, and after patches are applied (not a full upgrade), I'm greeted with a permanent hard lock in XFCE I cannot get out of, which seems to be a blank screensaver with a working mouse pointer. Control-Alt-Backspace...