msg = basic_lib.output_err(600, cmd='autargetdef', ret=ret, out=stdout, err=stderr)raiseexception.HBSDCmdError(message=msg, ret=ret, err=stderr) gid =Nonetmp_port =Nonefound_alias_full =Falsefound_alias_part =Falselines = stdout.splitlines()forlineinlines: line = shlex.split(l...
Panasonic KX-TD1232 Super Hybrid PBX Control Unit - V.2 & KX-TD196 Remote ModemTimer Remote Controller 4 Panasonic DMC-FZ50S/DMC-FZ50KTimer Remote Controller 4 Panasonic DMC-FZ30/DMC-FZ30KTimer Remote Controller 4 Panasonic DMC-FZ20k/DMC-FZ20STimer Remote Controller for Panasonic LC-1/L1/...
Nearly all examples have been tested on four of today's most widely used UNIX/Linux platforms: FreeBSD 5.2.1; the Linux 2.4.22 kernel; Solaris 9; and Darwin 7.4.0, the FreeBSD/Mach hybrid underlying Apple's Mac OS X 10.3.As in the first edition, you'll learn through example, ...
Likewise, the hybrid strategy “FQ-PIE” amalgamates the FlowQueuing aspect of FQ-CoDel with the PIE queue management. Both algorithms have shown exemplary capacity sharing between competing flows while achieving high throughput and low queuing delay. Despite their efficacy in throughput and queuing ...