Even Chuuya, who plays a minor role in Beast more than in DA, is not spared. He takes his job seriously as Dazai's bodyguard and second-in-command.Beast Brings A New Level Of Pain | Bungo Stray Dogs Light Novels26 related questions found Is Bungou stray dogs beast getting animated?
发现《KiLLER LADY》 动画 MMD·3D 双黑 文豪野犬 中原中也 太宰治 芥川龙之介 中岛敦 BSDMMD BEAST双黑羽嘉君 发消息 万物皆虚,万事皆允。太宰さんのどこが好き。——ぜんぶです。禁止转载。 twi:@Allen_rinne モデル:せつ様 关注6065 太宰 1/210 创建者:首抽死你们 收藏 【BSD/MMD】▽来戴上...
4111 9 9:31 App BSD reacts to Beast AU ! | 1/2 | 3562 7 8:38 App Past ADA react to Dazai | Dazai Entrance Exam Arc/Azure Messenger Arc | 1/1 | 3080 2 10:22 App |°•☆Pm reacts to Dazai☆•°| (kiaria/bsd) 4002 -- 9:10 App Fandoms React to; Ray (TPN) Par...