Modified BSD License A permissive license similar to the BSD 2-Clause License, but with a 3rd clause that prohibits others from using the name of the copyright holder or its contributors to promote derived products without written consent. PermissionsConditionsLimitations Commercial use Distribution ...
第一个版本的BSD指的就是4-Clause,目前4-Clause和1-Clause都已经不怎么再使用了。而0-Clause也发展成为了公共领域协议(Public Domain License),连作者信息都不要求保留。目前最流行的BSD指的是BSD 3-Clause License(BSD-3-Clause),也叫做BSD 3-Clause New/Revised License。所以我们这里主要介绍下BSD-3-Clause在...
The BSD 3-clause license allows you almost unlimited freedom with the software so long as you include the BSD copyright and license notice in it (found in Fulltext). Disclaimer: this is only a short summary of the Full Text. No information on TLDRLegal is legal advice. ...
仔细对比宣传视频,基本都是一样的,却唯独中文版没有说“based on scratch3.0”这句。scratch在GitHub上面的licence是BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" license,虽然没有规定要不要提到它,但这样也不好吧。宣传内容尽体面,只缘名声迷人眼。 发布于 2023-10-30 23:28・IP 属地上海 赞同 分享收藏...