Family and Community Science (4) Apparel and Fashion Design (3) Interior Design (3) Agriculture (3) Biological Sciences (3) Visual Communication (3) Aquaculture (3) Fashion Designing (3) Banking (2) Fashion & Textile Design (2) Medical Sciences (2) Forensic Science (2) ...
PhD in Biological Sciences, NAAS Fellow, Ex (Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Agricultural University, Raipur, ICAR and SAUs.) JM Julka Former Joint Director (Zoological Survey of India) & Postdoc (Smithsonian Institution, USA) Pardeep Singh Among Top 2% scientists’ (ranked by Stanf...
平衡计分卡(BSC)通过理论研究和实际调研构建了生猪供应链的整体结构,进而在平衡计分卡(Balanced Score Card,BSC)框架基础上分别从时间和空间两个视角构建生猪供应链绩效评价体系,其中基于空间视角和BSC生猪供应链的绩效评价指标体系由4个一级指标(财务维度,顾客维度,内部业务维度,创新/学习维度)和26个二级指标构成,...
M.Sc. Bioinformatics:M.Sc. Bioinformaticsis a 2-year postgraduate course that utilizes computer technologies to collect, arrange, and organize biological data used in evolutionary biology. M.Sc. Health Care Sciences:M.Sc. Health Care Sciences is a 2-year postgraduate course that teaches about ...
纤维素酶基因重组纤维素酶酶学性质从土壤中筛选获得1株高产纤维素酶的芽孢杆菌BSC6-1,为了进一步研究其纤维素酶的性质,克隆表达来自BSC6-1的新的纤维素酶基因Celbsc6,并通过纯化后用于酶学性质的研究.结果表明:成功在大肠杆菌中异源表达,该基因的表达产物为50 kDa的蛋白.在70℃条件下酶活力保持80%以上,当pH 7~...