一、登录网站,完成注册:https://training.dss.un.org(请您复制如下网址并将其粘贴进您的默认浏览器点击回车)(点击红框出:Register new account) 二、进入此页面后请您在第一行输入您的名拼音(例如赵某某则输入Moumou拼音第一个字母大写,后面的小写) 请您在第二行输入您的姓氏(例如赵某某则输入Zhao) 请您在第...
The eight(8) hours of In-Car Trainingcannot begin until after the student has completed their 24 hours of classroom education, has passed a written test, and has a valid permit. We schedule in-car training per our instructor and car availability, and we work hard to schedule drivers as so...