By actively participating in troop leadership positions, Scouts not only fulfill a requirement for the Life Rank but also gain valuable experience that will benefit them throughout their lives. These positions provide opportunities for personal growth, mentorship, and the development of essential leadersh...
7.Trail to Eagle and Leadership training.We have an excellent Trail to Eagle program. Our troop’s adult merit badge counselors offer all the Eagle required merit badges, as well as many other electives. Additionally, the troop offers community service and other youth leadership positions to help...
Troop 193 is a “scout led troop”. The Patrol Leaders Council, led by the Senior Patrol Leader, plan and conduct the troop meetings and activities. The troop provides many opportunities for formal leadership development by having scouts serve in troop leadership positions. If the scouts can thi...
(There should be support in place for new scouts to advance up to First Class. The most important thing you should hear is that the troop has good Troop Guides for the new scouts. These are helpful scouts in a leadership position tasked with guiding new scouts in their first year. Some ...
Our troop is in the process of transitioning to being a scout-led troop. The first year was spent getting the framework for troop-- youth leaders learning how to lead. It worked fairly smoothly by the end. This year we are needing to deal with the walls-- accountability. What we found...
How is advancement encouraged in a Scouts BSA Troop. Here are a few ideas: Communicate to the youth leadership the ways that advancement can be incorporated into meetings and activities – for example, taking a hike on an outing so the younger scouts can fulfill some of their early rank requ...
Scouts BSA troop program features help youth leaders plan a month of activities around a specific theme. These features include meeting ideas for teaching new skills and big events like day trips or campouts. They are flexible and work for both younger Scouts learning the basics and older Scouts...