①Ideals(viz.,theScoutOath,theScoutLaw,theScoutMotto,andtheScoutSlogan),②thepatrolmethod,③Participationinoutdoorprograms,④advancement,⑤adultassociation,⑥personalgrowth,⑦leadershipdevelopment,⑧theuniform 2.ProgramsandActivities determinedbytheseniorpatrolleader(童子军小队队长)andthepatrolleaderscouncil...
What should be done when the boys do not listen and constantly cause disruption. Three different senior patrol learders hae had the same problem. The boys constantly cause disruption and do not listen during partol and inner patrol. More time is spent on trying to control the boys and getting...
Senior Patrol Leader (SPL): This Scout is elected by all the troop members and leads meetings and activities. They help plan and carry out the troop’s program. Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL): This role supports the Senior Patrol leader, helping to keep the troop organized. Patrol L...
Scout troop.Patrol leader, assistant senior patrol leader, senior patrol leader, troop guide, Order of the Arrow troop representative, den chief, scribe, librarian, historian, quartermaster, bugler, junior assistant Scoutmaster, chaplain aide, instructor, webmaster, or outdoor ethics guide. Venturing ...
Today troop 2319 was in cheerful spirits because merit badges are almost done and in few days we’ll be heading home. It looks like we are going to finish honor patrol and scout tradition with the hard work from Devin and his ASPLs. Tonight we have open boating led by our ASM, Avery...
the patrol method, Participation in out door programs, advancement, adult association, personal growth, leadership development, the uniform methods of Scouting: 2.Programs and Activities determined by the senior patrol leader (童子军小队队长)and the patrol leaders council under the oversight of the Sc...