Cub Scouts are at a magical age where everything is new and possible and, most important, fun. We aim to offer a variety of fun and exciting adventures — the great outdoors, crafting & building, STEM, service & citizenship — while building new friendships and strengthening family bonds. ...
Scout Spirit is not limited to Scouting activities alone. It extends to school, family, and other areas of a Scout’s life. It is about being a role model, making ethical choices, and actively contributing to the betterment of society. By embracing Scout Spirit, Scouts become ambassadors of ...
The Scout rank is the first step in the Scouts BSA program. It is designed for boys and girls who are joining a troop for the first time. This rank helps new Scouts learn the basic information they need to participate fully in their troop. By working on the Scout rank, Scouts start to...
Surveying Merit Badge: Skating Merit Badge: Safety Merit Badge: Nuclear Science Merit Badge: Law Merit Badge: Indian Lore Merit Badge: Golf Heritage Bert Adams Camp Merit Badge: Citizenship In Society Bear Scouts Merit Badge: Health Care Professions New Scout Circle Merit Badge: American Business ...
Eagle Scout Schedule - sample schedule to reach Eagle ScoutFor scouts that are looking for more than the scout rank advancement, there are a lot of extra awards and recognition available for significant efforts in the areas of conservation, physical fitness, citizenship, and more. Broaden the goa...
The methods of Scouting are the ways that Scouting’s aims of developing character, citizenship, and fitness in youth are achieved. One of the methods is “advancement”. Advancement provides a way for Scouts BSA to be recognized for their achievements and personal growth. As they advance they...