Every patrol has a Patrol Leader responsible for leading a group of 5-9 scouts. These scouts should meet every month to plan upcoming activities. There should be an annual scheduling session where the scouts plan campouts, high adventure trips, and other events for the future.) When and how...
Scouts is for youth aged 11 through 17. When the 18th birthday is reached, they can no longer be a scout, but they can continue to support a troop in an adult leader role, or continue in a Venture Crew. As scouts grow in skill, they take on responsibility and move from being learner...
Parents are welcome to all of our troop events. We encourage adults to become involved with the troop. There is, however, required specific training for full participation in Troop 93 adult volunteers, including Youth Protection Training.
I was a GSUSA adult leader of Girl Scouts for many years doing single interest groups in backpacking. Many were the nights when my girls ranging from 6th grade to junior college hit the trail with 50 pound packs, walked farther than nearby boys groups, made camp and ate and laughed and ...
of responsibility that Scouts can take on to further their leadership development. These positions are available within the troop, Venturing crew, and Sea Scout ship. It is important to note that while there are many positions to choose from, theassistant patrol leader is not an approved ...
Choose a Badge: Scouts pick a merit badge they are interested in and discuss their choice with their Scout leader to get a signed blue card, which is used to track their progress. Find a Counselor: Each merit badge has a counselor, an adult who has expertise in the subject. The counselo...
methodsofScouting:①Ideals(viz.,theScoutOath,theScoutLaw,theScoutMotto,andtheScoutSlogan),②thepatrolmethod,③Participationinoutdoorprograms,④advancement,⑤adultassociation,⑥personalgrowth,⑦leadershipdevelopment,⑧theuniform 2.ProgramsandActivities determinedbytheseniorpatrolleader(童子军小队队长)andthe...
There were 15 scouts and 6 adult leaders who were present. It was a cold windy day but every scout braved the weather and put in their best effort. We made 2 teams, each building 1 storage bin to optimize time. Everything went smoothly and fine. we had a small challenge with the slo...
adult association, personal growth, leadership development, the uniform methods of Scouting: 2.Programs and Activities determined by the senior patrol leader (童子军小队队长)and the patrol leaders council under the oversight of the Scoutmaster. Troops hold meetings weekly. Troop meeting activities may ...