我今天找到的63年 BSA/A50~還有一台是值得一提的1964年生產的A65L LIGHTNING 650,生產兩年的稀少車,在電影007出現時,全身黑色連身皮衣女殺手,在豬頭兩端加裝四挺機槍,一路追殺龐德開的奧斯頓馬丁,龐德躲過追殺,殺手將車轉入公路旁,脫下頭盔甩動金色長髮,將發動的A65L推入水池中滅跡,!酷斃 ...
Buell - XB1 - XB9S - Lightning - 1000 cc - 2004 当前出价 €2,275 还剩12天 72 立即购买 Honda - Africa Twin RD 04 - 750 cc - 1990 当前出价 €2,950 还剩12天 130 Honda - CX500 - Cafe Racer - 498 cc - 1982 当前出价 €3 还剩5天 15 Suzuki - GS 550 D - 1977 当前出价 €95...
650cc BSA unit construction A50 & A65 twins including the Royal Star, Thunderbolt, Wasp, Cyclone, Hornet, Lightning & Spitfire. This publication has been out-of-print and unavailable for many years and is becoming increas...
(It’s also a familiar model for me; in the 80s, there was a TV detective show in the UK calledBoon, and a BSA Lightning featured in every episode.) Giffin’s BSA was an eBay find, but also a salutary lesson in buying unseen. “It was supposed to be a 1966 Lightning. It turned...
ABOVE: BSA unit-construction A65 engine. This one is out of a’66 A65Lightning (note the dual carbs). The engines remained essentially the same, externally from 1962 through the end in about 1972. 1962 BSA A65 THE BASIC LAYOUT In a classic British move,BSA Motorcycleselected to build both...
For 1965 BSA’s original A65 Star single-carburettor touring twin was replaced by the A65 Thunderbolt, which joined the twin-carburettor Lightning, both models continuing after the range was given a major makeover for the 1971 season. In this, its final incarnation, BSA’s 650 gained a new...