BS437-2008-P18 下载积分: 2500 内容提示: BS 437:2008 BRITISH STANDARD Specification for cast iron drain pipes, fittings and their joints for socketed and socketless systems ICS 23.040.10, 23.040.40, 91.140.80 NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW 文档...
关于本文 本文标题:BS-ISO-815-2-2008.pdf 链接地址:相似文档 相关资源 更多 6-2《为了忘却的记念》(说课稿)高二语文同步高效课堂(统编版 选择性必修中册) 2024年钢管交易合同 2024德国博后研究工作协议标准格式版B版 2024正规车位租赁及增值服务合同3篇 ...
PUBLISHED DOCUMENTRolling bearings —Explanatory notes onISO 281Part 1: Basic dynamic load rating andbasic rating lifeICS 21.100.20NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWPD ISO/TR1281-1:2008
13 p. GJB 190A-2024 68 p. 高清原版 ASTM D5340-23 (ASTM 标准规范) 55 p. 高清原版 ASTM C1322-15(2024) (ASTM 标准规范) 78 p. 高清原版 ASTM F2016-23 (ASTM 标准规范) 9 p. 高清原版 ASTM F3617-22 (ASTM 标准规范) 8 p. 高清原版 ASTM F3544-21 (ASTM 标准规范) 8 p....
PUBLISHED DOCUMENTPackaging — Materialrecycling — Reporton requirementsfor substances andmaterials to prevent asustained impedimentto recyclingICS 13.030.50; 55.020NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWPD CEN/TR13688:2008...
BS8491:2008 Methodforassessment offireintegrityoflarge diameterpowercables foruseascomponents forsmokeandheat controlsystemsand certainotheractivefire safetysystems ICS13.220.40;29.060.20 NOCOPYINGWITHOUTBSIPERMISSIONEXCEPTASPERMITTEDBYCOPYRIGHTLAW BRITISHSTANDARD L i c e n s e d C o p y : L o n ...
BSEN363:2008 Personalfallprotection equipment—Personal fallprotectionsystems ICS13.340.60 12&23<,1*:,7+287%6,3(50,66,21(;&(37$63(50,77('%<&23<5,*+7/$: CopyrightBritishStandardsInstitution ProvidedbyIHSunderlicensewithBSI-UncontrolledCopy ...
ref. no. en iso 2860:2008: e licensed copychinese university of hong kong, 11/04/2009 08:25, uncontrolled copy, (c) bsi bs en iso 2860:2008 en iso 2860:2008 (e) 3 foreword the text of iso 2860:1992 has been prepared by technical committee iso/tc 127 “earth-moving machinery” ...
iso 12637 consists of the following parts, under the general title graphic technology vocabulary: part 1: fundamental terms part 2: prepress terms part 3: printing terms part 4: postpress terms part 5: screen printing terms bs iso 12637-4:2008 copyright british standards institution provided by...
BS-EN-ISO BSENISO 2008.pdf 《BS-EN-ISO-18332-2008.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《BS-EN-ISO-18332-2008.pdf(14页珍藏版)》请在人人文库网上搜索。 british standard bs en iso 18332:2008 metallic and other inorganic coatings definitions and conventions concerning porosity ics 25.220.20; 25....