50Hz./IsoF/IP55S1RAL7030 优势品牌 产品代号:81540001 电器件 优势品牌 DWPA-2-10-SN20-2 400554023 优势品牌-TURCK 140CPS11420 电源模组 配件 优势品牌 优势品牌 TLM 1500 001 423 205 位移传感器 优势品牌 LVZUB120 100025466 优势品牌 ATLANTA 2029320 优势品牌 286-5C-MK5 顶针 优势品牌 6001 轴承 优势...
ISO 14952 consists of the following parts, under the gene 18、ral title Space systems Surface cleanliness of fluid systems: Part 1: Vocabulary Part 2: Cleanliness levels Part 3: Analytical procedures for the determination of nonvolatile residues and particulate contamination Part 4: Rough-cleaning ...
19、ral .15 4.2 Fault conditions .16 4.3 Protection against electric shock17 4.4 Protection against thermal hazards 50 4.5 Protection against energy hazards .55 4.6 Protection against environmental stresses .56 5 Test requirements.56 5.1 General .56 5.2 Test specifications.59 6 Information and markin...