【整理】日本电视台一览+简介 日本有个blog“放送局別アニメ画質比較”,也就是同片子不同台之间的音画质横向比较,有兴趣的话可以看看(字幕组的大大们肯定早就知道了):http://www36.atwiki.jp/anime-qua/ 关于译名 日本的电视台没有统一的名称格式,“某某テレビ”、“テレビ某某”、“某某放送”、“某某テレ...
BS Basel-Stadt (canton postcode, Switzerland)BS Bachelor of Science BS Bristol (postcode, United Kingdom)BS Britney Spears BS Box Score BS Baltimore Sun (newspaper)BS Brescia (Lombardia, Italy)BS Bookstore BS Back to School BS Base Station BS Braunschweig, Germany BS Business Service...
00:36 原神纯欲耳止八重神子 全图(果人本)公布 00:14 Game rhapsody 系列 NO.1:刃影(果替换) 00:20 「原神 猫猫 迪奥娜 新品预告」 00:15 JOY STATION 最终幻想10 琉库 1/4 限量雕像 00:26 MOXI工作室 爱莉希雅(可脱1/4比例,视频展示,本周开定) “爱莉希雅的贴心提示!你可以尽情依赖爱莉希雅,而她...
This invention relates to ways and means and methods of asking a question, by radio, from any chosen central point or central station simultaneously of a g... 被引量: 0发表: 0年 Keyless automobile door lock/unlock, ignition switching and burglar alarm system The system is an electric contro...
The Game follows the player's story of Lee Everett, a man who has been arrested and taken to a local police station for questioning over an accident that left a girl named Clementine in a coma during The Apocalypse that destroyed most of civilization as we know it, whilst her parents are...