TheUKparticipationinitspreparationwasentrustedbyTechnicalCommitteeB/525, Buildingandcivilengineeringstructures,toSubcommitteeB/525/2,Structuraluseof concrete,whichhastheresponsibilityto: —aidenquirerstounderstandthetext; —presenttotheresponsibleinternational/Europeancommitteeanyenquiries ontheinterpretation,orproposalsfor...
InstitutionofStructuralEngineers SteelReinforcementCommission ThisBritishStandard,having beenpreparedunderthe directionoftheSectorBoardfor BuildingandCivilEngineering, waspublishedunderthe authorityoftheStandardsBoard andcomesint o effect on 15 November 1997 BSI 1997 The following BSI references relat e to ...
BS ISO 12911-2023 Organization and digitization of information about buildings and civil engineering works, including building information modelling (BIM) — Framework for specification of BIM implementation 建筑物及土木工程(包括建筑物资讯模型)资料的组织及数码化ー建筑物资讯模型实施规格的架构 34页内容提供...
Thefollowingbodieswerealsorepresentedinthedraftingofthestandard,through subcommitteesandpanels: AssociationofBritishWeldedAluminiumTubeMakers InstitutionofStructuralEngineers MetalPackagingManufacturers'Association BSEN683-2:1997 ©BSI1997i Contents Page CommitteesresponsibleInsidefrontcover Nationalforewordii TextofEN683-...
structural engineering interpretation. 4 Behaviour of timber in fire 4.1 General. For the purposes of this British Standard, charring can be assumed to occur at a steady rate in the fire resistance test described in BS 476-20. The timber beneath the charred layer ...
d r The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted by Technical Committee a d B/525, Building and civil engineering structures, to Subcommittee B/525/2, n a t Structural use of concrete, which has the responsibility to: S h s i t — aid enquirers to understand the text; i r ...
InstitutionofStructural Engineers SteelReinforcementCommission ThisBritishStandard,having beenpreparedunderthe directionoftheSectorBoard forBuildingandCivil Engineering,waspublished undertheauthorityofthe StandardsBoardandcomes intoeffecton15March1997 ?BSI27May2002Amendmentsissuedsince ...
tubes in the annealed condition. “h condition. tubes in the half hard temper produced by cold drawing. table 3. preferred sizes of tubes for pipelines for shipbuilding and other engineering purposes. table 4. preferred sizes of tubes for purposes other than pipelines. table 5. copper tubes ...
requirements are given in EN 1998, which complements, and is consistent with EN 1996. EN 1996 does not cover numerical values of the actions on building and civil engineering works to be taken into account in the design. They are provided in EN 1991. ...
BS 449, “The use of structural steel in building”. Part 2, “Metric units”. 10) BS 4395, “High strength friction grip bolts and associated nuts and washers for structural engineering. Metric series”, Part 1, “General grade”. ...