Explore BS ISO 7101 - Healthcare organization management – Management systems for quality in healthcare organizations – Requirements. Discover key details, benefits, and applications of this standard for quality management
This revision has also increased the focus on patient care: e.g. “Needs of users” is now “Requirements regarding patients”. This section states that laboratory management should ensure that patients’ well-being, safety and rights are the primary considerations. To which end, laboratories shou...
Material requirements for pipework and fittings used in hydrogen gas installation. Specification STANDARD by BSI Group, 03/11/2024. LANGUAGES: BS PD IEC TS 61851-3-4:2023 Electric vehicles conductive charging system-DC EV supply equipment where protection relies on double or reinforced insulation. G...
BS DD ENV 12018-1998医疗卫生使用断续连接装置识别、认可和公共门诊数据结构(Identification, administrative, and common clinical data structure for intermittently connected devices used in healthcare (including machine readable cards)) BS DD ENV 12037-1996木材防腐剂.暴露与地面接触的木材防腐剂相关保护的确定...
careforsubjectsrequiredasaresultofanadversedeviceeffectshallbemadeanded. NOTEThismaybethesubjectofnationallegislation. 5.4Responsibilities Allpartiesinvolvedintheconductoftheclinicalinvestigationshallsharetheresponsibilityforitsethical conductinaccordancewiththeirrespectiverolesintheinvestigation. 6Generalrequirements 6.1Formal...
BS EN 556-1-2024 Sterilization of medical devices — Requirements for medical devices to be designated STERILE Part 1: Requirements for terminally sterilized medical devices 医疗器械的消毒ーー医疗器械标识为无菌的要求第1部分: 终端消毒医疗器械的要求.pdf,B
These standards provide guidelines and requirements for a wide range of industries and applications, including manufacturing, construction, healthcare, and environmental management, among others. BS_ISO and BSEN_ISO standards cover a range of topics, including quality management, environmental management...
BS DD ENV 13459-3-1999 道路标记.材料.质量控制.使用性能 (Road marking - Materials - Quality control - Performance in use) BS DD ENV 13481-6-2002 铁路设施.导轨.紧固系统性能要求.减震用特殊紧固系统 (Railway applications - Track - Performance requirements for fastening systems - Special fastening ...
General guidance and requirements 54、BS EN ISO 13997 2024 Protective clothing. Mechanical properties. Determination of resistance to cutting by sharp objects. 55、BS EN ISO 18562-4 2024 - TC Tracked Changes. Biocompatibility evaluation of breathing gas pathways in healthcare applications. Tests for ...
ISO1口37-2,Sterilizationofhealthcareproducts-Microbiologicalmethods-Part2:Testsofsterility performedinthedefinition,validationandmaintenanceofasterilizationprocess ISO20417,Medicaldevices一Informationtobesuppliedbythemanufacturer IEC60601-2-16边。1毡,Medicalelectricalequipment-Part2-16:Particularrequirementsforbasicsafet...