BS in Health Science 基本信息 学位类型: 本科 开学时间: 1、9月 专业简介 本校提供的健康科学这门专业是一门跨学科专业,主要教会学生如何用一个宽广的视角来研究分析健康科学、公共卫生、福利健康、全球公众健康;学生在完成本专业课程后,会有一个扎实的健康科学的知识基础;学生主要学习:生物化学、人类学、全球健...
arg=10207346&kf_sign=jczMTMTYzMQ3NjExMTUyODExNDg1MDA2NzIyMDczNDY%253D&style=5 波士顿大学健康科学学士学位BS in Health Science 健康科学专业是理学学士学位课程。该计划为学生提供了学习健康科学和全球公共卫生的跨学科方法。在该计划的前两年,该课程整合了生物科学、人文和社会科学的核心课程,包括在 BU Hub ...
BS in Health and Exercise Science 基本信息 学位类型: 本科 开学时间: 1、9月 专业简介 健康与运动科学理科学士专业的设计,旨在为学生提供在医学,健康领域从事相关工作的准备,或者为学生在健康领域或者相关领域继续自己硕士阶段学习做好准备。学生可以从事的职业包括有:医师,物理治疗家,物理治疗助理,护理等,其他的职...
computer science, criminal justice, and health sciences. You may also obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in: nursing, medicine, genetics, information science, pharmacology, statistics, architecture, business, law, hospitality, and zoology. In some instances, fields such as accounting, business, or...
Identifying BS in health care Astrophysicist and celebrity Carl Sagan once developed abaloney detection kitto root out bogus science. Here are some of the tools he included: seek independent confirmation of the “facts” encourage debate on the evidence ...
Berkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksDaniel S. GerberLynn Koerbel, MPH
To be accepted to the Pre-Med Health Scholar Program, high school students must have four years of math and science classes, have an unweighted high school GPA of 3.8, and have demonstrated commitment to service/volunteer activities, as well as volunteered in health care settings....
A stakeholder-driven agenda for advancing the science and practice of scale-up and spread in health Although significant advances have been made in implementation science, comparatively less attention has been paid to broader scale-up and spread of effect... WE Norton,CJ Mccannon,MW Schall,......
The School of Public Health and Information Sciences (SPHIS) offers two undergraduate degree options: Bachelor of Science in Public Health for students focused on public health practice and Bachelor of Arts in Public Health for liberal studies. A degree in... Read more Admission requirements Exam...
The BS in Biology seeks to train future scientists, health professionals, and educators, providing them with a strong scientific foundation, well-developed critical thinking and communication skills, and a focus on service. Admission requirements Important Dates Program Duration 3 Years Tuition fee...