BRITISH STANDARDBS EN50200:2006Method of test for resistance to fire of unprotected small cables for use in emergency circuitsThe European Standard EN 50200:2006 has the status of a British StandardICS 13.220.40; 29.060.2012 &23<,1* :,7+287 %6, 3(50,66,21 (;&(37 $6 3(50,77(' ...
BS-EN-50200-2000 下载积分: 900 内容提示: |||BRITISH STANDARDBS EN50200:2000The European Standard EN 50200:2000 has the status of aBritish StandardICS 13.220.40; 29.060.20NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWMethod of test forresistance to fire ofunprotected...
BSEN 50200:2006 Methodoftestfor resistancetofireof unprotectedsmall cablesforusein emergencycircuits TheEuropeanStandardEN50200:2006hasthestatusofa BritishStandard ICS13.220.40;29.060.20 12&23<,1*:,7+287%6,3(50,66,21(;&(37$63(50,77('%<&23<5,*+7/$: ...
BS EN 50200:2015EN 50200:2015 11 Where a metallic sheath, armour or screen acts as a neutral or protective conductor, it shall be connected as shown in the circuit diagram (Figure 9) as for a neutral or protective conductor. For single-, twin- or three-phase conductor cables, connect ea...
国际标准行业标准英国标准BSIBSBS-EN-50200-2000 系统标签: britishxurshdqbsiflufxlwvzdvdssuryhg |||BRITISHSTANDARDBSEN50200:2000TheEuropeanStandardEN50200:2000hasthestatusofaBritishStandardICS13.220.40;29.060.20NOCOPYINGWITHOUTBSIPERMISSIONEXCEPTASPERMITTEDBYCOPYRIGHTLAWMethodoftestforresistancetofireofunprotected...
√ BS EN 50200适用范围 EN 50200规定了设计用于具有固有耐火性的电缆的测试方法,旨在用作警报,照明和通信目的的应急电路。EN 50200适用于额定电压不超过600/1 000 V的应急电路电缆,包括额定电压低于80V的电缆,以及应急电路光缆。此标准测试方法仅限于总直径不超过20毫米的电缆。EN 50200不适用于公共电信网络中...
BS 8434-2-2003+A2-2009 电缆着火完整性评定的试验方法.应急电路中使用的无防护型小型电缆试验.BS EN 50200
BS EN 50065-1-2011 Signat 国外国际规范.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 国外标准国际标准规范国外标准国际标准规范 下载文档 收藏 分享赏 0 内容提供方:xiaoqingtian 审核时间:2020-06-03 审核编号:6151004122002204 ...
BS 7629-1,BS 6387, EN 50200, BS 5839-1 BS 7629-1 British Standard Specification for 300/500V fire resistant cable having low emissions of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire. BS 6387 Performance requirements for cables required to maintain circuit integr...