cabling using both balanced copper and optical fibre cabling components.These components may be combined to provide cabling solutions either in accordance with the design requirements of EN 50173 or to meet the requirements of one or more application-specific standards (such as EN50098-1 orEN50098-...
本站其他标准专题: bs en 50174,en 50174,en 50174-1,bs+en+50128,bs en 50191,bs en 50128,bs+en+50189,bs en 50189,bs+en+50126,bs en 50126,bs en 50163,bs+en+50132,bs en 50126-1,bs en 50177-2006,BS EN 50343,bs en 50636,bs en 50267,bs en 50600,bs en 50463,bs en 54。
交叉参考: CLC/TR 50450:2006 EN 50085-1 EN 50085-2 EN 50090-9-1:2004 EN 50173-1:2011 EN 50173-2 EN 50173-3:2007 EN 50173-4 EN 50173-5 EN 50174-1:2009 EN 50174-3 EN 5
BS EN 50174-3:2013
Supersedes BS EN 50174-3:2003. ISBN 9780580784057 Publisher Information British Standards Institution With over 100 years of experience the British Standards Institute is recognised as the UK’s National standards body. Their committees work with the manufacturing and service industries, government, busine...
BS EN 50174-2:2018 在中国标准分类中归属于: P91 电气设备安装工程,在国际标准分类中归属于: 33.040.50 线路、连接和电路,35.110 网络,91.140.50 供电系统。BS EN 50174-2:2018 信息技术 布线安装 建筑物内的安装规划和实践的最新版本是哪一版?最新版本是 BS EN 50174-2:2018 。
标准号:BS EN 50174-2-2009+A1-2011 中文标准名称:信息技术.布线安装.第2部分:建筑物内部安装计划和实践 英文标准名称:Information technology. Cabling installation. Part 2: Installation planning and practices inside buildings 标准类型:P91 发布日期:2011/4/1 12:00:00 ...
BS EN 50174-2 信息技术.电缆装配.建筑物内安装规划和惯例 Information technology - Cabling installation - Installation planning and practices inside buildings BS EN 50174-3 信息技术.电缆敷设装置.安装计划和和建筑物外部的实施 Installation technology - Cabling installation - Installation planning and practice...
ANSI | BS | DIN | EN | GB | IEC | IEEE | ISO | JIS | NF | 编号中文名称英文名称 BIP 0007 通信电缆和设备安装.要求和可靠性指南 Telecommunication cabling and equipment installations - A Guide to requirements and responsibilities BS 1858 电缆.附件.沥青基填充化合物 Electric cables - ...
conform to the standards set by earlier editions of BS 7671 or the IEE (IET) wiring regulations. This does not mean that they will fail to achieve conformity with the relevant part of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 Outline • BS 7671 17 th Edition Amd 1 2011 is set ou...