slabs of natural stone for external paving requirements and test methods bs en 1015-12, determination of adhesive strength of hardened rendering and plastering mortars on substrates 3 terms and definitions for the purposes of this part of bs 7533, the terms and definitions given in bs 6100-2 an...
This webinar will explain how the BS 7533 series is being reconfigured; introduces BS 7533-101:2021 and adds further value on pavement design, highways engineering, and concrete, stone and clay as paving materials.
谁引用了BS EN 993-1:1995更多引用 BS 7533-13:2009 用粘土、天然石或混凝土铺筑材料建造的路面 用混凝土铺地块料和flags、天然石板和setts及粘土铺路材料建造的有浸透性路面的设计指南
BS 7533-2:2001(2008)的发布历史信息,用粘土、天然石材或混凝土铺路石建造的人行道 - 第2部分:用粘土铺路石或预制混凝土铺路砖建造的交通较少的人行道的结构设计指南, Pavements constructed with clay, natural stone or concrete pavers —
51、 BS EN ISO 7533 2024 Technical product documentation (TPD). Identification of specifications in the technical product documentation (TPD). 52、 BS EN 10333 2024 Steel for packaging. Flat steel products intended for use in contact with foodstuffs, products and beverages for human and animal co...
BS 7533-10 用粘土、天然石或混凝土铺筑材料建造的路面.用天然石料建造的行车路面的结构设计指南 Pavements constructed with clay, natural stone or concrete pavers - Guide for the structural design of trafficked pavements constructed of natural stone setts BS 7615 摩托车链规范 Specification for motor cyc...
BS 7533-13. Pavements constructed with clay, natural stone or concrete pavers. Part 13. Guide for the structural design of permeable pavementsdoi:BS 07/30159351 DC交叉引用:BS 1377-4:1990*BS 1377-9*BS 6100-2*BS 7533-3*BS EN 752-4*BS EN 1339*BS EN 1344*BS EN 12457-3*BS EN 12620...
BS 7533-3 用粘土、天然石或混凝土铺筑材料建造的路面.挠性路面用预制混凝土铺筑石块和粘土铺筑材料铺设的实用规程 Pavements constructed with clay, natural stone or concrete pavers - Part 3: Code of practice for laying precast concrete paving blocks and clay pavers for flexible pavements BS 7533-4 ...
1<091<09.<0539.521<0.811.<#990099'>618.812.7533 × 21<0 × 1<011<01.<053<#990099'>6.7 睷 21<0.<0 眮 1 抵<0.8 晸 17.4 眮 12.7533 × 21<0 × 92 92.1533.12<09.31<0.115.<#990099'>612.7 捯?533 × 21<0 × 82 82.2528.32<08.8 9.<#990099'>613.212.7457 × 191 × 98 ...
LBS17A7V240T 7 1.3 9.8 0.56 1 N/A P097533 N/A LBS17A10V240T 10 4.5 23.8 0.84 1.5 10LET Q097534 N/A LBS17A12V240T 12 5.9 31 1.1 2.0 12LET S097536 N/A LBS17A16V240T 16 11.2 59 1.7 3.0 16LET X097540 N/A LBS17A20V240T 20 15.6 100 2.2 3.9 20LET B097544 N/A ...