BS 6399-2-1997 中文版 建筑荷载 第二部分 风荷载.pdf,该文档均来自互联网,如果侵犯了您的个人权益,请联系我们将立即删除!
建筑/环境 > 建筑规范 > BS 6399 Part 2 打印 转格式 81阅读文档大小:2.62M102页himancwt上传于2011-11-05格式:PDF
BS 6399-2-1997英国标准British Standard电子版下载 下载积分: 2800 内容提示: BRITISH STANDARDBS 6399-2: 1997Incorporating Amendment No. 1 and Corrigendum No. 1 Corrected and reprinted June 2002Loading for buildings —Part 2: Code of practice for wind loadsICS 91.080.01???Licensed Copy: London ...
BRITISH STANDARD BS 6399: Part 2:1995 Loading for buildings Part 2. Code of practice for wind loads -Jj.q++ ~~ Jy:c,:,, :T””’L3 NO COPYING WITHOUT BS1 PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHI LAW . ... ...-...3 2 -...4 — ,,,-- . ‘-j BS6399:Part2: 1995 ...
英国标准 BS6399-2 :1997 作用于建筑表面的静压力 p 的计算公式如下: a)封闭式建筑: p=p -p (19.) e i 其中 pe 为 中给出的外压力; p 为 中给出的内压力。 i b )雨蓬或建筑构件: p=q C (20 ) e p 其中 q 为雨棚表面或建筑构件在有效风速下所受的...
2 Definitions For the purposes of this Part of BS 6399 the following definitions apply. 2.1 imposed roof load (or imposed load on roof) the load assumed to be produced by environmental effects on the roof, excluding wind loads, and by use ...
BS 6399-1英国规范:荷载.pdf BS 6399-1英国规范:荷载.pdf是一本不错的英标规范。 上传人:上传时间:2015-11-17 13:27:00文档格式:pdf收藏数:0页数:16评论数:1分类标签:结构/结构设计/混凝土结构 点击下载源文件 客服 详细介绍 BS 6399-1英国规范:荷载.pdf-图一...
dimension of 5m or less. This approach may also be used for larger panels, but lower values and a more economic design may result from a full calculation based on BS 6399: Part 2.The action of the wind on a building exerts a force in the form of a dynamic pressure which varies on ...
Part 4 : 1969 BS 5400 : BS 5400 : Part 2 : 1978 BS 5555 : 1993 BS 6399 : BS 6399 : Part 2 : 1995 BS 6399 : Part 3 : 1988 Specification for lifts, escalators, passenger conveyors and paternosters General requirements for escalators, and passenger conveyors Steel, concrete and composit...