内容提示: BS 6349-4:2014Maritime works –Part 4: Code of practice for designof fendering and mooring systems 文档格式:PDF | 页数:52 | 浏览次数:105 | 上传日期:2016-12-28 08:13:59 | 文档星级: BS 6349-4:2014Maritime works –Part 4: Code of practice for designof fendering and ...
需要金币:*** 金币 (10金币=人民币1元)英国标准钢铁BS 6349-1-4-2021.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 BS63494(1985)英国标准规范电子版Part1星级:30页BS6349-1-3-2021星级:55页BS63491(2000)英国标准规范电子版下载星级 VIP免费下载 收藏 分享 赏 0下载...
BS 6349 介绍 1、英国标准协会简介 [1] 英国的标准化工作起步较早,1901年由5个工程师和建筑师职业团体联合组成了工程标准化委员会(ESC),1918年改建为英国标准学会 (The British Standards Institution,简称BSI),一直沿袭至今。BSI 现已成为集标准研发、标准技术信息提供、产品测试、体系认证和商检服务五大互补性业务...
Part1:Codeofpracticeforgeneral criteria ICS47.020.01;93.140 BS6349-1:2000 ThisBritishStandard,having beenpreparedunderthe directionoftheCivil EngineeringandBuilding StructuresSectorCommittee, waspublishedunderthe authorityoftheStandards Committeeandcomesinto ...
实施日期:2010/4/30 12:00:00中国标准分类号:P67国际标准分类号:47.020.99;93.140适用范围:This part of BS 6349 provides recommendations and guidance on the design of quay walls, jetties and dolphins. 相关标准 《GB/T21794-2008》化学品 体外哺乳动物细胞染色体畸变试验方法《二、(二)、10》卫生部 ...
The seven Parts of BS 6349 are as follows. — Part 1: General criteria; — Part 2: Design of quay walls, jetties and dolphins; — Part 3: Design of dry docks, locks, slipways and shipbuilding berths, shiplifts and dock and lock gates; — Part 4: Design of fendering and mooring ...
BS 6349-3 海上建筑.第3部分:干船坞、闸、滑台以及造船用船台、船吊及船坞与闸门设计 Maritime structures - Design of dry docks, locks, slipways and shipbuilding berths, shiplifts and dock and lock gates BS 6349-4 海上建筑.第4部分:护舷系统和系泊系统设计惯例 Maritime structures - Code of practic...
B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 49-3BS 8300BS EN 1536:2000BS EN12063BS EN 12699BS EN ISO 12944-2BS ISO 12488-1BS EN 1991-1-4BS 6349-2BS EN 1991-2BS EN 1991-1-6BS 6349-1:2000BS EN 1997-1BS 6349购买本文件时提供的所有现行修订均包含在购买本文件...
130、 24 30505151 DC BS 6349-4 Maritime structures. Design of fendering and mooring systems Code of practice 131、 BS EN 45545-6 2024 - TC Tracked Changes. Railway applications. Fire protection on railway vehicles. Fire control and management systems 132、 BS ISO 8933-1 2024 Ships and marin...
Part 1. Jack-ups 交叉引用:ISO 19900:2002ISO 19901-1:2005ISO 19901-2:2004ISO 19901-3ISO 19901-4:2003ISO 19902:2007ISO 19906API公告2U:2004API公告2V:2004DNV RP-C201:2004DNV RP... 被引量: 0发表: 2009年 Code of practice for foundations 14BS 6349-1-3BS 8103-1BS EN 335-1:1992BS ...