BRITISH STANDARDBS 5950-8:1990Incorporating Amendment No. 1Structural use of steelwork in building —Part 8: Code of practice for fire resistant designUDC 693.814:669.14.018.29:614.84:62-11:[006.76 (083.75)]Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSINot for Resale...
BS 5950-6:1995 Structural use of steelwork in building. Code of practice for design of light gauge profiled steel sheeting BS 5950-7:1992 Structural use of steelwork in building. Specification for materials and workmanship: cold formed sections BS 5950-8:2003 Structural use of steelwork in buil...
Design for SHS. Fire resistance to BS 5950: Part 8British Steel Tubes
BRITISH STANDARDBS 5950-1:2000Incorporating Corrigendum No. 1Structural use of steelwork in building —Part 1: Code of practice for design — Rolled and welded sectionsICS: 91.080.10NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BYCOPYRIGHT LAWLicensed Copy: University of Edinburgh Educational...
PART 1: CODE OF PRACTICE FOR DESIGN IN SIMPLE AND CONTINUOUS CONSTRUCTION: HOT ROLLED SECTIONS This part of BS 5950 gives recommendations for the design of structural steelwork with hot rolled steel sections, flats, plates and hollow sections in buil... BS Institution - 《British Standard Bs ...
BS 5950-3.1 建筑用钢制结构.第3部分:复合结构设计.第1节:单一或连续复合梁设计惯例 Structural use of steelwork in building - Part 3: Design in composite construction - Section 3.1 Code of practice for design of simple and continuous composite beams BS 5950-4 建筑用钢制结构.第4部分:用型钢板...
i Table G.1 — Equivalent uniform moment factor mt 196 s r e v i n U , y t i s r e v i n U d l e i f f e h S : y p o C d e s n e c iv © BSI 05-2001 i L BS 5950-1:2000 Foreword This part of BS 5950 supersedes BS 5950-1:1990, which is withdrawn....
应力蒙皮设计规范bs5950-9介绍(ⅲ) introduction to british standard 5950-9 code of practice for stressed skin design(ⅲ).pdf,第8卷第6期 建筑钢结构进展 V01.8No.6 inSteel Structures 2006年12月 Progress Building 周奎 (编译) (上海理工大学城市建设与环境工程
BS 5950-1:2000(2008)的被谁引用信息,建筑中钢结构的使用 - 第1部分:设计实践规范 - 轧制和焊接型材, Structural use of steelwork in building — Part 1 : Code of practice for design — Rolled and welde
aBS 5950-1. Structural Use of Steelwork in Building, Part 1 : Code of Practice for Design -- Rolled and Welded Sections [ S ]. London : British Standards Institution, 2000 : 2 1 2 BS 5950-1。 对钢铁制品的结构用途在大厦,第1部分: 编码应用设计的 -- 滚动的和被焊接的部分(S)。 伦敦:...