标准、规范、准则_BS4825-1-1991.pdf,Licensed Copy: Wang Bin, ISO/Exchange China Standards Information Centre, 28 April 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BRITISH STANDARD BS 4825-1: 1991 Incorporating Amendment No. 1 Stainless steel tubes I and fittings for
内容提示: BRITISH STANDARDBS 4825-4:1991Stainless steel tubes and fittings for the food industry and other hygienic applications —Part 4: Specification for threaded (IDF type) couplingsLicensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Fri Dec 01 08:07:17 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) ...
内容提示: BRITISH STANDARDBS 4825-5:1991+A1:2009Stainless steel tubes and fittings for the foodindustry and otherhygienic applications —Part 5: Specification for recessed ringjoint type couplingsICS 67.260; 77.140.75 文档格式:PDF | 页数:24 | 浏览次数:90 | 上传日期:2013-04-17 00:52:17 |...
BS 4825 4 1991 A1 2009 supersedes BS 4825 4 1991 which is withdrawn The start and finish of text introduced or altered by Amendment No 1 is indicated in the text by tags Minor editorial changes are not tagged Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations ...
BS 4825-3食品工业和其他卫生设施用不锈钢管和设备.第3部分:夹紧式联轴器规范.pdf,+A2:2009 ICS 67.260; 77.140.75 +A2:2009 © BSI 2009 Amendment 31 August 2009 See foreword No. 2 09/30194304 DC 978 0 580 65639 2 +A2:2009 2009 +A2:2009 BS 4825-3:1991+A2:2009
IDNR NAME DESC SHAPE STANDARD MATERIAL SURFACE A5 [mm] OD3 [mm] ID1 [mm] 9611990765 SEAL RING 25-NBR ISO 2037 / BS4825 Seal Ring NBR no spec 6.4 52.7 22.8 9611990766 SEAL RING 38-NBR ISO 2037 / BS4825 Seal Ring NBR no spec 6.4 52.7 35.8 96119...
Alfa Laval > Installation Material > BS 4825, Hygienic > BS4825 - Eccentric Reducer 3D CAD models
点击打开全屏PDF预览 点击查看大图 标准号 BS ISO 4825-1:2023 2023年 总页数 22页 发布单位 英国标准学会 当前最新 BS ISO 4825-1:2023 购买 正式版 范围 本文件规定了一种测量加热器芯片与冷板之间热阻的方法,其中加热器芯片安装在金属化陶瓷基板上,模拟碳化硅(SiC)高输出功率模块。该测量结果代表了高输出功率...
BS 4825-4:1991+A1:2009 购买 正式版 BS 4825-1 中规定的与不锈钢管一起使用的螺纹 IDF 型接头的焊接和扩张型外螺纹零件和衬里、螺母和密封件的尺寸、公差、表面光洁度、卫生、装配和材料要求。 其他标准 BS 4825-4+A1:1992食品工业及其他卫生设施用不锈钢管及接头第4部分:螺纹(IDF型)管接头规范BS 4825-1...
Multilevel Secure Digital Image Steganography Framework Using Random Function and Advanced Encryption Standard Mohsin N. Srayyih Almaliki J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 16, 4812–4825 (2019)[Abstract] [Full Text - PDF] [Purchase Article] Electronic Payment Systems: Architecture, Elements, Challenges...