BRZRKRis the latest example of Netflix looking to compete with Marvel and DC in the comic-book market by snatching up independent properties. They bought writer Mark Millar’s company so they could turn his books into movies and series; the first,Jupiter’s Legacy, premieres on Netflix on M...
《布尔兹克 BRZRKR》由Matt Kindt, 基努·里维斯担任主编, 演员基努·里维斯主演的《布尔兹克 BRZRKR》是一部剧情, 动作类型电影。 基努·里维斯首次参与编剧、由 Boom工作室发行的漫画《BRZRKR》,现已宣布将由 Netflix 制作真人电影与动画剧集,并由他本人出演与配音。 Netflix 在漫画首次发行数周后便拿下了版权。首...
We Already Lost Keanu Reeves as Spike Spiegel in Cowboy Beebop But What Happened to His Brzrkr Live Action With Netflix? Feb 18FandomWire How James Tynion IV Launched the Biggest Horror Comic Title In the Business Nov 1The Hollywood Reporter - Movie News ...
今次《BRZRKR》的構思讓不少人說漫畫男主角就是 Keanu Reeves 的化身,全因 Keanu Reeves 說過今次的創作概念是角色一直不停戰鬥是源於父親迫使他使用暴力,而主角就要試圖讓自己不要陷入這樣的困境,希望找到出口。 除了推出漫畫外,擁有《BRZRKR》漫畫改編權的Netflix也有把漫畫拍成電影的計劃,而 Keanu Reeves 本人也...
Less than a month afterKeanu Reevestold EW thathe wants to play the protagonist of his new comicBRZRKRon screen someday, official confirmation has arrived. On Monday, Netflix announced that it has acquired the rights toBRZRKRand will first adapt the story into a feature film, followed by an...
Get Ready for More BRZRKR The Book of Elsewhereis but the first stop for theBRZRKRfranchise. A live-action movie, starring Reeves, is in development and will air on Netflix. In addition, a new anime series is set to premiere sometime in the future as well, and this is to say nothing...
Netflix Users Slam New #1 Movie as “Inappropriate” and “Garbage” Gaming 16 hours ago Nintendo Switch 2 Leak Reveals New Game in Major GameCube Series Gaming 3 days ago Epic Games Store Announces a Ton More Free Games for PC Gamers Image courtesy of Apple TV+ Movies 2 days ago 5...
根据基努·里维斯创作的漫画《布尔兹克》改编的Netflix动画衍生剧将开发两季!基努将献声配音。漫画灵感来源始于其主演的电影[疾速追杀]系列的主人公约翰·威克。 布尔兹克 BRZRKR 分类: 剧情片电影, 动作片电影 基努·里维斯首次参与编剧、由 Boom 工作室发行的漫画《BRZRKR》,现已宣布将由Netflix 制作真人电影与动...