《基努·里维斯 不死狂战士 卷二 漫画 英文原版 BRZRKR Vol. 2 即将改编电影 英文原版 Keanu Reeves》,作者:基努·里维斯 不死狂战士 卷二 漫画 英文原版 BRZRKR Vol. 2 即将改编电影 英文原版 Keanu ReevesMatt Kindt 著,出版社:Boom! Studios,ISBN:9781684158157。
印象中,基努.里维斯(Keanu Reeves)和夸张的超级英雄角色不沾边,没想到“活久见”竟然等到56岁的基努化身撕漫男,出演自己编剧的漫画作品。 由基努.里维斯和Matt Kindt共同编剧的漫画《Brzrkr》是一部12期的限定作品,讲述的是8万年永生战士不断战斗并寻找自己身世的故事。 该漫画第一期一经发售卖了61.5万本,创下近30年...
【Keanu Ree..【基努李维斯】《BRZRKR》三卷完友情提示,UP的空间和动态里躺了很多酷帅美萌的基神哟:普通类视频列表:https://space.bilibili.com/509793/video合集类视频列表:
Studios' popular BRZRKR series is returning with another new story in August, but this one has a special twist. BRZRKR: The Lost Book of B will be the first comic to reunite co-creator Keanu Reeves and the rest of the original creative team since the conclusion of the main BRZRKR series....
日前有媒體透露 Keanu Reeves 將會出版個人第一本漫畫《BRZRKR》。《BRZRKR》是由 Keanu Reeves 和 Matt Kindt 共同撰寫,並找來藝術家 Alessandro Vitti、Bill Crabtree 和 Clem Robbins 繪製。故事講述一名 8 萬年前出生的半人半神傳奇戰士的冒險故事,為了隱藏自己的存在,不得已必須執行許多美國的秘密任務。《BRZRKR...
government to fight the battles too violent and too dangerous for anyone else. In exchange, B. will be granted the one thing he desires – the truth about his endless blood-soaked existence…and how to end it. Credits Writer: Keanu Reeves & Matt Kindt Artist: Ron Garney & Rafael ...
How Keanu Reeves' BRZRKR Distorts the Hero Myth Keanu Reeves has posited some interesting quandaries about heroism in BRZRKR. When you're 80,000 years old, are heroes even a real thing? Get Ready for More BRZRKR The Book of Elsewhereis but the first stop for theBRZRKRfranchise. A live-...
This is the 1:1000 retailer incentive variant of BRZRKR #1 with a cover by Jonboy Meyers. Discover the next blockbuster action franchise from the iconic KEANU REEVES in his Must Read comic book writing debut alongside New York Times best-selling co-writer Matt Kindt (Folklords, Bang!) and ...
I found out about and read the first issue of this comic series last year because I really loved the John Wick movies and the main character here is a berserker modelled after Keanu Reeves (he's also the co-writer of this story)。This continues the research into who B or Unute really...
Less than a month afterKeanu Reevestold EW thathe wants to play the protagonist of his new comicBRZRKRon screen someday, official confirmation has arrived. On Monday, Netflix announced that it has acquired the rights toBRZRKRand will first adapt the story into a feature film, followed by an...