慧正资讯,继中国收购威来惠南、上海协瑞和印度收购DyeChem之后,IMCD宣布又将Brylchem在越南的精细化工产品分销业务收入旗下。IMCD将收购Brylchem Pte Ltd100%的股份,同时chempac Pte Ltd和CMS Marketing Trading Co. Ltd两家越南公司业务(Brylchem)也将转入IMCD旗下。 Brylchem于1992年成立于新加坡,主要业务为在新加坡...
慧正资讯,继中国收购威来惠南、上海协瑞和印度收购DyeChem之后,IMCD宣布又将Brylchem在越南的精细化工产品分销业务收入旗下。IMCD将收购Brylchem Pte Ltd100%的股份,同时chempac Pte Ltd和CMSMarketing Trading Co. Ltd两家越南公司业务(Brylchem)也将转入IMCD旗下。 Brylchem于1992年成立于新加坡,主要业务为在新加坡和...
IMCD收购越南Brylchem 继续在亚太区域保持扩张态势 慧正资讯,继中国收购威来惠南、上海协瑞和印度收购DyeChem之后,IMCD宣布又将Brylchem在越南的精细化工产品分销业务收入旗下。IMCD将收购Brylchem Pte Ltd100%的股份,同时chempac Pte Ltd和CMSMarketing Trading Co. Ltd两家越南公司业务(Brylchem)也将转入IMCD旗下。 Br...
IMCD N.V. has signed an agreement to acquire 100% of the shares in Brylchem Pte Ltd and the business of Chemipac Pte Ltd., and CMS Marketing Trading Co., Ltd in Vietnam (jointly called Brylchem Group). The speciality distribution company, founded in 1992, offers a wide range of produ...
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IMCD N.V., a global leading distribution partner, formulator of specialty chemicals and ingredients and expert solutions provider, announces that IMCD has signed an agreement to acquire 100% of the shares of the specialty distribution company Brylchem Pte Ltd. and the business of Chemipac Pte Ltd...