布莱斯来自大名鼎鼎的霍华德家族,其父是美国著名导演罗恩·霍华德,其母是女演员谢莉尔·霍华德,此外,布莱斯的祖父母和叔叔克林特·霍华德同样是电影工作者。 早在童年时代,布莱斯就曾在父亲罗恩的电影中露脸,其中就包括著名的《阿波罗13号》,然而真正让世人记住这个名字的电影是印度导演奈特·沙马兰的作品《灵异村》。20...
走进布莱丝·达拉斯·霍华德所打造的温馨浪漫豪宅,inside Bryce Dallas Howard's L.A. Home共计2条视频,包括:中文、英文等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
娱乐 明星综合 纽约 美国 布莱丝·达拉斯·霍华德 家居设计 家装设计 Bryce Dallas Howard小老肥儿 发消息 向阳而生 关注2701 回归搜索的本质!没有广告,直达结果! 没有广告直达结果 接下来播放 自动连播 11:02 Amber Valletta | 老牌超模安伯·瓦莱塔位于洛杉矶的家 小老肥儿 1317 1 ...
Bryce Dallas Howard - Bryce Dallas Howard was born on March 2, 1981, in Los Angeles, California. Occasionally billed as Bryce Howard Dallas, this promising young talent is the daughter of director Ron Howard and actress Cheryl Howard. Rather than sim
布莱丝1981年出生在美国洛杉矶,作为名导朗·霍华德的掌上明珠,布莱丝出生于真正的演艺世家,妈妈曾是演员,结婚之后就在家专心地相夫教子;叔叔克林特·霍华德也是一名演员;在往上可以追溯到祖父母,也都是上个时代叫得响亮的电影明星。 从1988年开始,出于某种迷信的驱使,朗·霍华德认为他的每一部片子里,都应该... 更多...
Actor Bryce Dallas Howard has starred in a wide range of movies, from The Village to the Twilight series. But after one of her pregnancies, the actor decided it might’ve been better for her to avoid material with too much misery.Bryce Dallas Howard once opened up about her challenges with...
Family Guy (2009) (TV Series) - Bryce Dallas Howard (1 episode, 2009) We Love You Conrad (五月 3, 2009) Season 7, Episode 14 - Bryce Dallas Howard (voice) 1 See all past television Self (150 titles) Entertainment Tonight (2009–2024) (TV Series) - Self (26 episodes, 200...
the world on social media. But with her mother’s steadfast guidance, Howard learned to set personal boundaries and savor the beauty of private moments. In this personal talk, she draws on three generations of family wisdom to remind us that “a private life makes a public ...
Actress Bryce Dallas Howard, daughter of Ron Howard, has starred in 'The Twilight Saga,' 'The Village' and the 'Jurassic Park' franchise.