Catalan: Bryce Canyon National Park Catalan: Parc Nacional Bryce Canyon Catalan: Parc Nacional del Canyó Bryce Cebuano: Bryce Canyon National Park Chinese: 伯乐思峡谷国家公园 Chinese: 伯樂思峽谷國家公園 Chinese: 布莱斯国家公园 Chinese: 布莱斯峡谷国家公园 Chinese: 布萊斯國家公園 Chinese: 布萊斯峽谷國家...
Visiting Bryce Canyon National Park? Explore things to do, places to stay, nearby experiences, and much more with Utah’s Office of Tourism.
Open fires are not allowed in the backcountry, but camp stoves are permitted.Click herefor detailed information and maps. To download the National Park Service’s backcountry trail guide and map, clickhere. Bryce Canyon Maps To download a National Park Service map of Bryce Canyon, clickhere....
Open fires are not allowed in the backcountry, but camp stoves are permitted.Click herefor detailed information and maps. To download the National Park Service’s backcountry trail guide and map, clickhere. Bryce Canyon Maps To download a National Park Service map of Bryce Canyon, clickhere....
With unforgettable viewpoints, mesmerizing colors and adventurous hikes, Bryce Canyon National Park is desert paradise. Whether it be via the many scenic drives or on foot, Bryce Canyon offers unique scenery thanks to the spectacular hoodoos, aka “Fairy
Maps & Directions Points of Interest Ranger Programs & Events Horseback Riding Bryce Canyon Lodging Experience Stay in Bryce Canyon National Park to get the most of your trip! Spend your trip hiking, horseback riding, or relaxing at the lodge. Learn More Things To Do Whether you are an...
Maps & Directions Points of Interest Ranger Programs & Events Horseback Riding Bryce Canyon Lodging Experience Stay in Bryce Canyon National Park to get the most of your trip! Spend your trip hiking, horseback riding, or relaxing at the lodge. ...
布莱斯峡谷国家公园 Bryce Canyon National Park *点击以缩略图片,查看大图!布莱斯国家公园位于拉斯维加斯东北部,因其独特有趣的地理结构而闻名,与其说这是一处具有另类风情的峡谷,倒不如把它认为是大自然巧夺天工的一件艺术品。 1. 布莱斯峡谷国家公园 布莱斯峡谷国家公园比邻近的锡恩国家公园和大峡谷国家公园海拔...
布莱斯峡谷国家公园(Bryce Canyon National Park)是犹他州面积最小的国家公园,位于美国犹他州西南部。其名字虽有峡谷一词,但其并非真正的峡谷,而是沿着庞沙冈特高原东面,由侵蚀而成的巨大自然露天剧场。峡谷崖壁经数千万年风雨侵蚀而成的形态生动、橙红炫丽、成千上万的石柱,有的如利剑直插云霄,有的如少女婷婷...