布莱斯峡谷国家公园(Bryce Canyon National Park)是犹他州面积最小的国家公园,位于美国犹他州西南部。其名字虽有峡谷一词,但其并非真正的峡谷,而是沿着庞沙冈特高原东面,由侵蚀而成的巨大自然露天剧场。峡谷崖壁经数千万年风雨侵蚀而成的形态生动、橙红炫丽、成千上万的石柱,有的如利剑直插云霄,有的如少女婷婷玉...
布莱斯峡谷国家公园的英文名称是 Bryce Canyon National Park 公园以一种名为 Hoodoo 的奇特岩石景观而闻名 门票:35美金/7天/车,在线购买,建议使用美国国家公园年票 路况:请看这里 旅游季节:全年都可到访,6月到9月天气最佳,是犹他州夏天最凉快的地方 餐厅: Sunrise Point 旁的 General Store 可以买简餐 装备:徒...
(1). Cape Royal and Angels Window in Grand Canyon National Park(大峡谷国家公园) (2). Half Dome in Yosemite National Park(优胜美地国家公园) (3). Mount McKinley in Denali National Park(丹奈利国家公园,阿拉斯加) (4). The Central Peaks in Grand Teton National Park(大提顿国家公园) ...
Bryce Canyon Lodging Experience Stay in Bryce Canyon National Park to get the most of your trip! Spend your trip hiking, horseback riding, or relaxing at the lodge. Learn More Things To Do Whether you are an adventurous hiker or a first-time explorer, there is something for everyone at Bry...
Day2⃣️Bryce Canyon National Park 雪后的Bryce美得令人失语。我有限的阅历和词汇,让我不知该如何确切形容今天徒步时看到的风景。 第一次尝试雪地冰爪徒步,整个过程,我们一次又一次被这自然风光震撼。这算得...
Bryce Canyon Lodging Experience Stay in Bryce Canyon National Park to get the most of your trip! Spend your trip hiking, horseback riding, or relaxing at the lodge. Learn More Things To Do Whether you are an adventurous hiker or a first-time explorer, there is something for everyone at Bry...
The entrance feeto Bryce Canyon National Park is $35 per private vehicle. The fee for an individual entering by foot, bicycle, motorcycle, or non-commercial group is $20.00 per person. Admission is for seven days and includes unlimited use of the Shuttle during it's operating season. No re...
根据Bryce Canyon National Park,Utah部分的The national park is known for its attractive rock formations and hoodoos(国家公园以其迷人的岩层和丛林而闻名)可知,Bryce Canyon National Park因其岩层和丛林而闻名。故选A。 (2)B.细节理解题。根据Death Valley National Park,California and Nevada部分的You might...