A goal of the build was the keep everything moving quickly by using 1/2″ tubing. Just one bottle neck can really slow you down. 1/2″ silicone tubing is perfect for the job and can withstand temperatures up to 500°F. It also doesn’t kink like the clear vinyl tubing. I bought 3...
238 Words 1 Pages Satisfactory Essays Read More Bayard Sartoris Quotes Bayard Sartoris’s defining moment is when he strides into Redmond’s room wielding nothing despite being confronted with a gun, a testament to his refusal to kill and consequently, his maturity. This cool-headed moment of ...
As I said in Positive Feedback all the way back inIssue 10, December of 2003, when I announced the birth of the Brutus Award: "‘We atPositive Feedbackare going to have two main categories of annual awards. The first will be ourBrutus Award. This will be recognition given to "...