User Rating:2.9| Brute ForceXBOX Byhccswim| Review Date:October 31, 2003 OVER RATED!!! This game is without a doubt the most overrated game I have ever played. After about forty minutes I had completely given up on this one. The graphics stink, sound is average, and controls and game...
Brute Force is a moderate 3rd person shooter that is worth playing if you want a decent game to spend some time on. User Rating: 8.3 | Brute Force XBOX By pyroguy305 | Review Date: August 12, 2006 Well as you can imagine it isnt the next halo (as claimed) but it is pretty good...
AFTERTHOUGHTS: BRUTE FORCE.Interviews producer Erin Roberts and lead designer Tim Fields on the Xbox video game Brute Force.EBSCO_bspElectronic Gaming Monthly
Brute Force 雷霆战队 / 野蛮武力的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
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Byline: Joseph Szadkowski, THE WASHINGTON TIMESHere's a look at some hardware and software now available: Brute Force, by Microsoft for Xbox, rated M: content suitable for ages 17 and older, $49.99. Trying to manipulate one human can be very difficult. I know, I'm married. Now, Xbox ...
Other Helpful Reviews for Brute Force Rating:7.2 The aiming controls were well done, but this game has no plot and walking around boring levels isn't much fun in the end ByOld_Gooseberry| Review Date: Sep 25, 2006 |XBOX The analog responded similar to Halo, which was nice. Other than ...
Brute Force First ReleasedMay 27, 2003 XBOX Follow 7.6 GoodCheck out the review Metacritic 77 User Rating:7.7| Brute ForceXBOX By-CitizenKane-| Review Date:June 2, 2004 To me, this game is a big dissapointment. It was hyped up to be a "Halo-killer"(as a lot of things nowadays are...
Other Helpful Reviews for Brute Force Rating:7.2 The aiming controls were well done, but this game has no plot and walking around boring levels isn't much fun in the end ByOld_Gooseberry| Review Date: Sep 25, 2006 |XBOX The analog responded similar to Halo, which was nice. Other than ...
User Rating:8.2| Brute ForceXBOX ByxXDagameXx| Review Date:May 20, 2006 i loved this game. the co op is one of the best 4 player co op yet. Come on how many 4 player co op shooters do u see in the video game market. This is one of the best co op games i ever seen. The...