While creating a pretty long and precise mask through the brush tool, all of a sudden, Lightroom loses all the editing (although the brush mask was the only mask - he not only loses it but loses any other kings of editing such as...
Solved: Hi you I'm having problems in getting my brush tool in Lightroom to work. I can see that it has some effect on contrast, but exposuse has no effect - 11630540
Open your file in Adobe Lightroom Classic and choose the Adjustment Brush tool. Adjust exposure, contrast, highlights, shadows and more by moving sliders and painting areas of your image with the Adjustment Brush tool. Adjust the size of the Adjustment Brush tool, the feather value, and the f...
The Lightroom Brush tool is a feature that lets you edit specific regions without affecting the rest of the image. A brush tool feature means we can perform advanced edits inside Adobe Lightroom.
To do so, click on the Spot Removal tool icon to activate it, adjust the size of the brush with the square bracket keys on the keyboard, and click on the spot you want to remove. Lightroom automatically selects another area of the portrait to sample from, healing the blemish. Sometimes...
Had Lightroom CC running on an older PC. I installed Lightroom CC (11.4.1) on my new PC and properly reinstalled brush presets into the local adjustments folder via preferences. The brush tool cannot access the brush presets on the effect menu even though I can...
When using the adjustment brush in Lightroom Classic Version 9.3 the brush appears to disappear when it is near the center of the image. Move the brush away from the center and it reapppears and works correctly. In the center "dead circle" the circular brush tool reverts...
https://community.adobe.com/t5/lightroom-classic-discussions/masking-tool-using-brush/m-p/12480280 Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report More Reply Dainius244275322fy8 Community Beginner , Jul 06, 2022 Copy link to clipboard Copied But why do we ha...
I found this company, who seem to do it and claim to do it using the Brush tool, but I can't see how this is possible. With the Radial Filter maybe, but not with the Brush function: https://lensdistortions.com/lightroom/accent/ Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report R...
This problem has come back suddenly in the middle of my work : Brush doesn't work in LR Classic This is UNACCEPTABLE :((( It doesn't allow me to work!!! I don't want to reinstall LR again - last time it took many time. When Adobe will fix this disgusting bug???...