#音速资讯# MGM美高梅集团否认Bruno Mars欠赌场债务 近日,针对有关Bruno Mars欠赌场债务的谣言,美高梅国际度假村集团(MGM)为其进行了辩护。 数篇报道声称,Bruno Mars在MGM赌场的赌博债务已累计超过5000万...
MGM美高梅官宣 Bruno Mars 2024年1月6日将空降澳门开办户外演唱会『Bruno Mars The One & Only Night』,门票于12月9日正式开售! û收藏 116 53 ñ359 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... Billboard中国 · 音乐推广达人 Ü 简...
大家都知道,BrunoMars是一个在音乐界闪耀的明星,他拥有独特的音乐风格,将多种元素融合在一起,让观众在他的音乐中找到了共鸣。 话说在拉斯维加斯的MGM美高梅赌场,BrunoMars做出了一个令人意外的决定,长期驻唱在那里。外界纷纷感叹,这位舞台王者究竟是出于何种原因做出这样的选择?直到最近,网络上传出一个惊人消息原来,B...
大家都知道,BrunoMars是一个在音乐界闪耀的明星,他拥有独特的音乐风格,将多种元素融合在一起,让观众在他的音乐中找到了共鸣。 话说在拉斯维加斯的MGM美高梅赌场,BrunoMars做出了一个令人意外的决定,长期驻唱在那里。外界纷纷感叹,这位舞台王者究竟是出于何种原因做出这样的选择?直到最近,网络上传出一个惊人消息原来,B...
BrunoMars火星哥澳门MGM One&Only Night返场曲目- Uptown funk 南方の姐姐 208 0 Bruno Mars火星哥澳门One&Only Night Live - When I was your man 南方の姐姐 238 0 Bruno Mars 雅加达演唱会八万人大合唱Die With A Smile 吃饱打嗝嗝嗝嗝嗝 420 0 ...
全球音乐巨星Bruno Mars的命运走向了一个意想不到的转折。一则令人震惊的消息霸占了娱乐:因赌博欠下高达5000万美元的债务,火星哥不得不与拉斯维加斯的MGM美高梅赌场签订了一份独特的合同,用自己的表演作为偿债的手段。在财富与名声的顶峰,Bruno Mars提醒我们,无论多么耀眼的星光,也难以掩盖人性的脆弱。让我们从...
Later that year, the singer embarked on another Las Vegas residency at MGM Park, which has grossed around $114 million in eight years. While the residency was initially set to conclude in December 2024, Mars announced he would be extending his stay in January 2025, adding several concert ...
Later that year, the singer embarked on another Las Vegas residency at MGM Park, which has grossed around $114 million in eight years. While the residency was initially set to conclude in December 2024, Mars announced he would be extending his stay in January 2025, adding several concert ...
Don't miss the chance to experience Bruno Mars live in 2025! Grab your tickets now and catch his new tour when it makes a stop in your city.
Mars, who was once a professional poker player, has reportedly lost significant sums at the casino. "He owes millions to the MGM (from gambling)," a Vegas insider said. Sources indicate that his debts have reached as high as $50 million. ...