瑞典物理治疗师Signe Brunnstrom意识到脑卒中后患 者具有共同的典型恢复模式,并鼓励患者在脑卒中后恢复早 期诱发伸肌和屈肌的共同运动,她认为这些共同运动会随着 训练转化为分离运动,最终恢复正常的运动模式据此,她 提出/偏瘫恢复的六个阶段,英文全称为Brunnstrom stage (BS)或Brunnstrom recovery stage(BRS)W,在...
3. 部分协调阶段(Partial Recovery Stage):患者开始出现部分运动控制能力的恢复。肌肉张力开始减少,患者可以进行一些简单的协调运动。这个阶段通常发生在中风后的几个月到半年。 4. 平衡恢复阶段(Near Normal Stage):患者的肌肉张力进一步减少,运动控制能力增强。患者可以进行更加复杂的运动,并且在平衡方面有所恢复。这个...
(P<0.05),sta-tistically significant difference.Conclusion Patients with cerebral apoplexy can effectively improve the neuro-logical function,promote the recovery and prognosis of the patients according to Brunnstrom stage,and the clinical efficacy is better.It is recommended that the use should be ...
Conclusions Early rehabilitation training according to Bnmnstrom stage can obviously improve the recovery of motor function and ADL as well as life quality of stroke patients.%目的 探讨Brunnstrom分期功能训练对脑卒中偏瘫患者日常生活能力及运动功能恢复的影响.方法 将120例脑卒中偏瘫患者随机分为观察组和对照...
The performance of Brunnstrom stage and wrist extension and sensation were improved significantly after TS intervention. Recovery rates of 6 measures after TS were significantly higher than those of the control, except for grasping. 29名患者完成了研究。 Brunnstrom阶段表现和腕子引伸和感觉在茶匙干预以后...
【关键词】脑卒中;康复训练程序;康复护理 Observationinefectofrehabilitationtraini~ accordingtoBrunnstromstageonmotorfunction recoveryofstrokepatientsHEXi—chun,YANGBing—xia,LINChang·ying,ZUOHua-u凡Departmentof Neuro-RehabilitationDepartment,theFirstAfiliatedHospitalofGuangdongMedicalCo‰ ,Zhanjiang 524001. ina [...
Sonography of patients with hemiplegic shoulder pain after stroke: correlation with motor recovery stage. OBJECTIVE: This study was performed to clarify the cause of shoulder pain using sonography and to evaluate the relationship between the sonographic finding... IS Lee,BS Yong,TY Moon,... - 《...
In addition, the treatment group was intervened by scalp acupuncture with long needle-retaining duration plus electroacupuncture by Brunnstrom stage, while the control group was intervened by conventional scalp acupuncture plus electroacupuncture. Lower-limb clinic spasticity index (CSI), 10-meter walk ...
3.Perform sensory evaluation according to Brunnstrom technique.4.Describe the characteristics of each motor stage.5.Apply speed test.6.Evaluate practically basic limb synergies.7.Describe practically different exercises based on treatment principles of Brunnstrom.Brunnstrom, a physical therapist, was ...
Bobath 1 概述基本理论治疗技术 2 3 4 分期及应用 Bobath概述 定义:通过抑制不正常的姿势、病理性反射或异常运动模式,尽可能诱发正常运动,达到提高患者日常生活活动的能力。创立者 英国物理治疗师BertaBobath和她的丈夫KarelBobath 创立时间 适应症 20世纪40年代 小儿脑瘫、成人偏瘫等 Bobath基本理论 基本理论 运动...