Brunei Shell Petroleums Exploration RejuvenationMartin V. Simon
CGG公司获得Brunei Shell Petroleum公司合同,CGG公司将负责经营Brunei Darussalam地区Seria办事处的专用处理中心,合同为期6年,自2017年1月1日生效,到2022年12月31日结束。根据合同规定,CGG公司将使用高级处理及地下成像技术,提供Brunei海上及岸上全方面的2D、3D和4D数据信息处理服务,包括从油田数据处理到高级叠前深度预估...
网络文莱壳牌石油公司;汶莱蚬壳石油 网络释义 1. 文莱壳牌石油公司 ...y)、文莱液化天然气公司(Brunei LNG)、文莱壳牌石油公司(Brunei Shell Petroleum)、雪佛龙公司(Chevron)、中国海洋石油有 …|基于7个网页 2. 汶莱蚬壳石油 ...ELEUM,5132,主要板贸易)准备就绪,欲接下汶莱蚬壳石油(Brunei...
Brunei Shell Petroleum Co Sdn Bhd (BSP) is a dynamic, world-class company and one of the biggest energy companies in Asia. We have a long history in Brunei of more than 80 years and we are at the leading edge of energy technology. We put safety and environment at the heart of every...
近日,新加坡造船企业PaxOcean Group已经向Adinin集团旗下公司Automac Multiresources交付一艘新型紧凑型半潜船(CSS)“Fateh”号。该船将在文莱海岸为英国石油巨头壳牌旗下子公司文莱壳牌石油公司(Brunei Shell Petroleum Company Sdn Bhd,BSP)工作。据称,这艘新船的设计和装备能够满足海上行业当前和预期需求。PaxOcean认为...
Brunei Shell Petroleum sees itself as an important contributor to the energy market for natural gas, which is increasingly becoming the preferred energy source due to its economic, efficiency and environmental advantages, relative abundance and expanding infrastructure.The oil and gas industry will ...
Brunei Shell Petroleum sees itself as an important contributor to the energy market for natural gas, which is increasingly becoming the preferred energy source due to its economic, efficiency and environmental advantages, relative abundance and expanding infrastructure. The oil and gas industry will ...
Tesco was recently awarded a contract for directional casing while drilling in Brunei. This contract allows Tesco to participate with its Casing Drilling services on any of Brunei Shell Petroleum's operating rigs. The award was effective on Aug. 1 for two years and has an option for a one-...
(SOSB),have received separate arbitration notices fromBrunei Shell Petroleum, The Edge Malaysiareported.The first notice, filed with the SingaporeInternational Arbitration Centre, concerns acontract related to the Salman project in Brunei,with Brunei Shell Petroleum purportedly terminatingpart of the ...
Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP) is a regional lead E&P Company and one of the Shell Companies to apply Smart Field value loop concept. Smart well applications have been implemented for a long time before in BSP. In mid 2003 BSP have taken further steps beyond Smart Well applications, when ...