Language Religion and beliefs Culture and society Social etiquette and customs Business culture and etiquette The Father of the Nation, portrayed in many positive ways. Photo bywatchsmart(CC BY 2.0) Stereotyping Remember this is only a very basic level introduction to Brunei culture and the people;...
RELIGIONS:The official religion is Islam with around 67% of the population Muslim. The remainder are religious minorities, of which 12% are Buddhists, 9% are Christians and 12% follow local native tribal beliefs. LANGUAGES:The official language is Malay, although English is widely spoken for com...
became fully independent in 1984 as a member of the Commonwealth. The economy depends chiefly on oil and natural gas. Official language: Malay; English is also widely spoken. Religion: Muslim. Currency: Brunei dollar. Capital: Bandar Seri Begawan. Pop: 415 717 (2013 est). Area: 5765 sq km...
In his address at the University Brunei Darussalam, the Malaysian prime minister said that Malaysia and Brunei have many similarities from the aspects of language, religion and culture, which further strengthen the relations between the two countries. Last year, the total trade between Brunei and Ma...
indigenouspeoplesandindigenouspeoplesand Indians.Indians. ••AgeGroup:AgeGroup: ••MedianageMedianage--26.7years26.7years ••5.3%5.3%>>55years55years LanguageandReligionLanguageandReligion ••Malay(official)Malay(official) ••English(popular)English(popular) ...
Religion Islam is official religion. 78.8 percent of the population are Muslims. 8.7 percent are Christians and 7.8 percent are Buddhists. The rest of the population is affiliated with other faiths, including Confucianism. Language The official language is Malay. English and Chinese are also widely...
Other religions like Buddhism and Christianity have also a significant foothold in the area. “Standard Malay” is the official language of the country but the Melayu Brunei is the most commonly spoke language. As Arabic is the religious language of the Muslims, it is used in all Islamic, edu...
places also use Malay. Malay spoken in Brunei is different from the normal and some amount of Chinese and English is also spoken. A mixed language called Bahasa Rojak is spoken here. Besides local languages like Murut, Dusun, Iban are also spoken. English also is a widely spoken language ...
said that the Malay Islamic Monarchy (MIB) Supreme Council had been requesting for a Chinese-language edition since 2014, so that the local Chinese community could gain a further understanding of the Malay language, religion, and customs, in addition to complying with all national laws and polici...
allowed the Brunei government to provide the population with one of Asia's finest health care systems, and invest in the state religion, Islam. [source] The requirements to attain Brunei citizenship include passing tests in Malay culture, customs, and language. Stateless permanent residents of Brun...