January 3rd, 2025 | 08:01 AM | 355 viewsBSBPossession of contraband was among the offences recorded during roadblock operations across the country on New Year's Eve. The operation involving the Royal Brunei Police Force together with the Narcotics Control Bureau, Land Transport Department and the...
Brunei’s strict immigration policies mean overstaying a visa can result in fines or deportation. It is recommended to have a clear plan and explore visa extension options through the Immigration and National Registration Department. As Brunei modernizes, there may be future developments in remote w...
Until the late 1980s theretailsector in Brunei was not particularly sophisticated. Aside from the local market, there were only coffee shops, general provision shops, Chinese supermarkets, and a few Chinese restaurants. In 1986 a Japanese store group, Yaohan, opened its first department store in...
The Employment Order 2009 (Department of Labour2017: 4, 6) requires employers to ensure labour standards and conditions for workers, for example on working hours, rest days, overtime payments, paid leave and maternity leave for all local and migrant workers. However, it has been found that fo...