Improving Efficiency with the XFlash 7 EDS Detector Family In this webinar we present the benefits and increases in effiency that the new XFlash®7 detector series delivers. We also introduce the workflow of ESPRIT LiveMap which allows users to carry out real-time chemical imaging. ...
Silicon-based energy dispersive X-ray detector. The special chip design with integrated charge amplifier the XFlash® can process very high count rates and at the same time displays an excellent energy resolution
The article reports on the selection of the XFlash® detector from Bruker AXS Inc. as the recipient of the 2006 R&D 100 Award by the "R&D Magazine." The detector is an important component of the Quantax™ Quad ultrafast ...
The S4 TStar features up to three different X-ray excitation modes and a high performance, large area XFlash® silicon drift detector (SDD) to ensure extremely low limits of detection for all elements from sodium to uranium. The automatic sample changer offers a total capacity of up to nin...
The graphene Window SDD provides fast and precise analysis with advanced detector technology. Connectivity The analyzer also comes with Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and USB connectivity. Data can be stored internally on the instrument or a USB flash drive. Integrated Camera The S1 Titan 800 is equipped with ...
We also thought we'd join in the IYPT2019 festivities by sharing some fun facts*about the periodic table: 1.You may remember the Periodic Table of the Elements as a dreary chart on your classroom wall. If so, you never guessed its real purpose: It’s a giant cheat sheet. ...
What is described below is relevant to the XFlash~R model 3001 detector only, whereas the model 4010 is the new and currently available detector. The manufacturer has provided up-to-date information and a figure that presents very different behaviour relative to the characteristics described in ...
XFlash® FlatQUAD is a novel EDS detector designed for maximum signal collection, opening up new application areas for EDS - Find out more here!
XFlash EDS 探测器 XFlash®7 - The Latest EDS Detector Series Bruker’s latest generation of QUANTAX EDS systems feature the XFlash®7 detector series, providing the largest solid angle, highest throughput and highest take-off angle for X-ray collection on electron microscopes ...
The XFlash®FlatQUAD detector enables the study of beam-sensitive organic materials, particularly frozen biological samples in scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In this webinar we explore the workflow for cryo-SEM-EDS with an example of research on silk worms. ...