Life Science Mass Spectrometry Instruments and Solutions Product Overview MT 142 - Top-Down Protein Sequencing with neofleX and OmniScape A Novel Top-Down Protein Sequencing Workflow Employing neofleX Benchtop MALDI-TOF/TOF and OmniScape Software. MALDI Top-Down Sequencing (MALDI-TDS) delivers N- and...
MS Software MS Solutions Mass spectrometry (MS) is an incredibly diverse and constantly evolving technology, implemented in labs across the globe to solve almost any analytical problem. Our high-quality, intuitive mass spectrometers empower all fields of research and development, setting new standards ...
The world leading software for mass spectrometry imaging data from all major mass spectrometry vendors. SCiLS Lab enables comparative sample analysis for a multitude of applications in pharmaceutical drug development, in tissue-resolved biomarker researc
Mass spectrometry has always had a powerful synergy with computers. Computers have pushed mass spectrometry forward at key junctures in its history from data collection to instrument operation to data analysis. 浏览 质谱文献室 重新筛选 筛选器 ...
通过序列确认分析流程,可以根据数据结果测试得到与鉴定蛋白相关的一级序列和修饰信息,提高序列覆盖率和评估样品中的蛋白质变体。 “ OmniScape™ 解决方案满足了我们在生物技术行业生产重组蛋白的真正需求。” 质谱文献室 10 结果中的 1 - 10 Mass Spectrometry Product Overview 2024 Q4 ...
MetaboScape® is our all-in-one software suite dedicated to discovery metabolomics, lipidomics and phenomics. It provides the powerful T-ReX algorithm family together with comprehensive statistics and CCS-enabled compound identification workflows. Its
Bruker Corporation today announced a collaboration with Utrecht University to advance the study of the 3-D structures and interactions of proteins by mass spectrometry. 阅读更多 Jun 1, 2020 Bruker Introduces Breakthrough MALDI-2 Source on timsTOF fleX, and Further Innovations in CCS-Enabled 4D Prote...
Studying protein-drug complexes under native conditions in the low nM range using MRMS. Mass spectrometry has been used as a tool to study a wide variety of protein-ligand and other biological interactions with great success. Modeling solution phase physiological conditions is key to preserve native...
MS Software ソフトウェア駆動質量分析ソリューション ブルカーのソフトウェアソリューションは、さまざまなアプリケーションや研究分野において質量分析データの正確、迅速、そして包括的な分析を可能にします。質量分析装置との合理的な統合により、ブルカーのソフトウェアは世界で最も強力で自動...
布鲁克近日宣布,成功交付一台 1.2 GHz Ascend™ 核磁共振(NMR)波谱仪给瑞士高场核磁共振设施 ( ,该设施由巴塞尔大学、苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH)和苏黎世大学联合运营。这套行业领先的NMR系统将极大地提高多个用户小组的研究能力,促进结构生物学和大分子分析方面的高级研究。仪器位于苏黎世大学,是...