A subungual hematoma forms when blood gets trapped underneath your nail. You might have symptoms like throbbing pain or pressure under your nails. Your nails may also turn black and blue. Hepatic hematoma A hepatic hematoma occurs in your liver. It can cause symptoms like pain in the abdomen,...
such cases can be life-threatening. Other types of hematomas include subconjunctival hemorrhages, which occur when a blood vessel under the conjunctiva of theeyebreaks and bleeds, and subungual hematomas, which form in the nail beds under fingernails and toenails and are commonly caused by trauma...
QUESTION I jammed my thumb in a drawer, and a bruise developed under the nail, starting at the cuticle. After three weeks it’s still deep purple. Is it normal for it to take this long to heal? ANSWER That depends on you, your history of bruising and whether you have other signs tha...
The mystery of why Churryhoof is being given the kid-glove treatment, given the horrible thing she did on Cedar Commons, was solved when Norton announced that Churryhoof was being reassigned to Echo Division under Mrs. Chen—Chen heard about that horrible thing and saw it as showing a prom...