Bruce Tuckman的团队发展阶段(Stages of Team Development)模型可以被用来辨识团队构建与发展的关键性因素, 并对团队的历史发展给以解释。 团队发展的五个阶段是: 组建期(Forming)、激荡期(Storming)、规范期(Norming)、执行期(Performing)和休整期(Adjourning)。 (休整期是在1977年后加入的。) 根据Tuckman,所有五个...
Tuckman's Stages The five stages of team development were first introduced by Bruce Wayne Tuckman in 1965. His research into the way teams function and coordinate provided reoccurring trends towards very specific points in the life of a team, which became the premises of each of the first four...
Bruce Tuckman is a professor Emeritus of Educational Psychology and known for his five stages of group development theory.
For some 40 years, Bruce Tuckman’s classic model has been delivering comfort and new perspectives to managers either charged with running a team, or trying to function within one, assuring the players that they are not alone and that the discomfort of conflict is a normal part of the journe...
Carol Wilson
doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.25806.79685David FowlerJon Musgrave
Wilson, C. (2010). Bruce Tuckman's forming, storming, norming & performing team development model. Retrieved April 5, 2015, from www.performancecoachtraining.comWilson, Carol. "Bruce Tuckman's Forming, Storming & Norming Team Development Model," Culture At Work (2010): 3...