Bruce Springsteen 把自己的第三张专辑设想为从破晓到隔日黎明的一整套组曲:《Thunder Road》开头的口琴拉开帷幕,最后的《Jungleland》为专辑画上句点。两者之间是激动人心的故事,Springsteen 笔下生动的人物在暗巷为自由挥拳奋战,极具戏剧张力。Springsteen 的前两张专
【BOSS】Born to Run自传台湾版已经出版 只看楼主 收藏 回复 可疑的胡萝卜 旭日东升 12 8月1号已出版, 可疑的胡萝卜 旭日东升 12 应该是湾湾的歌迷自发组织翻译的,向他们表示致敬大家也可以一饱眼福了~ KOMA伴闖 克服万难 14 好書! 特异独行 克服万难 14 前天买了,还未到 特异独行 克服万难 ...
Bruce Springsteen/Born To Run (Book Review) 来自 EBSCO 喜欢 0 阅读量: 15 作者: Jaffee, Cyrisse 摘要: Reviews the books 'Bruce Springsteen,' by Peter Gambaccini and 'Born to Run: The Bruce Springsteen Story,' by Dave Marsh. 年份: 1980 ...
Born to Runis a distinctive record, even in the Springsteen canon. Its world is one of impossibly romantic hyperrealism, where the mundane easily becomes fantastic, and it all happens line by line. Picture the depressed state of the Jersey Shore in the early 70s, the dull sense of an era...
Born To Run - Bruce Springsteen In the day we sweat it out on the streets Of a runaway American dream At night we ride through the mansions Of glory in suicide machines Sprung from cages out on highway 9 Chrome wheeled fuel injected And steppin' out over the line H-Oh ...
专辑名:Born to Run 歌手:Bruce Springsteen 发行时间:1975-08-25 简介:《Born To Run》是有“工人皇帝”之称的Bruce Springsteen的一张伟大专辑。除高窜BILLBOARD专辑排行TOP3和荣获白金的记录之外,还获得滚石杂志5颗星的青睐,是Bruce首张叫好又叫座的成名作。Bruce 以此专辑获成为歌坛一颗闪亮的明日之星,因而当...
Springsteen 的前两张专辑里已经不乏宏大的故事和鲜活的人物,但直到《Born to Run》,他才真正学会了如何把这些故事讲得更紧凑、更有张力、更容易理解。 Springsteen 后来指出,在歌词和音乐方面,专辑同名曲是他第一次以较短的篇幅调和了力量和情感,却同样呈现出澎湃的冲击力。《Born to Run》的制作和 Phil Spector...
SpringsteentransmediaThis article explores how the genre of rock memoir took a new cultural and commercial turn with the publication of Springsteens book Born to Run (2016). It traces how the book became the foundation for a transmedia project that unfolded across several platforms (including the ...