3 Brs 2 Baths 143 sqm ¥ 36,000/monthMore in The Bound of BundThe Bound of Bund华润外滩九里 1 Br 1 Bath 90 sqm ¥ 18,000/month The Bound of Bund华润外滩九里 1 Br 1 Bath 90 sqm ¥ 19,000/month The Bound of Bund华润外滩九里 1 Br 1 Bath 50 sqm ¥ 8,800/month The...
188 sqm ¥ 26,000/monthHuicheng Wukang Apartment汇成武康公寓 3 Brs 2 Baths 172 sqm ¥ 33,000/monthHuicheng Wukang Apartment汇成武康公寓 3 Brs 2 Baths 168 sqm ¥ 27,000/monthHuicheng Wukang Apartment汇成武康公寓 3 Brs 2 Baths 160 sqm ¥ 30,000/monthAnd...
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Oriental Golden Gate Garden东方金门花园 3 Brs 2 Baths 150 sqm ¥ 25,800/monthOriental Golden Gate Garden东方金门花园 3 Brs 2 Baths 147 sqm ¥ 25,800/monthOriental Golden Gate Garden东方金门花园 2 Brs 1 Bath 100 sqm ¥ 18,800/month...
Yanlord Western仁恒西郊花园 4 Brs 3 Baths 223 sqm ¥ 27,000/month Yanlord Western仁恒西郊花园 4 Brs 3 Baths 162 sqm ¥ 17,000/month Yanlord Western仁恒西郊花园 4 Brs 3 Baths 188 sqm ¥ 22,000/month Yanlord Western仁恒西郊花园 4 Brs 3 Baths 162 sqm ¥ 16,000/month ...
3 Brs 2 Baths 140 sqm ¥ 25,000/month Jing An Feng Hua 静安风华 3 Brs 2 Baths 155 sqm ¥ 26,000/monthMore in Dingxin GardenDingxin Garden鼎鑫佳园 2 Brs 1 Bath 121 sqm ¥ 16,800/month Dingxin Garden鼎鑫佳园 3 Brs 2 Baths 145 sqm ¥ 25,800/month Dingxin...
Oasis Riviera天山河畔花园 2 Brs 2 Baths 110 sqm ¥ 22,800/month Oasis Riviera天山河畔花园 2 Brs 1 Bath 102 sqm ¥ 22,000/month Oasis Riviera天山河畔花园 2 Brs 2 Baths 108 sqm ¥ 20,000/month Oasis Riviera天山河畔花园 3 Brs 2 Baths 150 sqm ¥ 29,000/month ...