✅ YouTube videos keep pausing then restarting with no sound on all browsers:For some reason today, after having made no changes at all, YouTube videos started to frequently pause while playing, and then restart playing without...
Ion.Sound — JavaScript-plugin for playing sounds based on Web Audio API. Plugin is working on most popular desktop and mobile browsers and can be used everywhere, from common web sites to browser games. For not so modern browsers plugin falls back to HTML5 audio. Audio-sprites support ...
Select the Playing audio option Click Run/Run the troubleshooter and apply all the suggested solutions. 3. Check individual volume controls In some cases, individual sound controls could be the reason you can't hear sounds from the browser. You might have muted it previously and forgotten about...
Sound The core API for playing sounds. Call createjs.Sound.play(sound, ...options), and a sound instance is created that can be used to control the audio, and dispatches events when it is complete, loops, or is interrupted. A controllable sound object that wraps the actual plugin implemen...
The app still works when playing in windows media player. However, The Sonic Studio Effects portion no longer work when playing from Microsoft Edge. I have spoken to friends who have updated to windows 11 and are experiencing the same issue with Edge. ...
Sound in Web Audio now uses AudioContext.onended to trigger when it will stop playing instead of using a time based value. This is only used if the sound doesn't loop and isn't an audio sprite, but will give a much more accurateSound.onStopevent. It also prevents short audio files fr...
I did a restart and when I came back BF3 wasnt playing any sounds, which is weird because it was just working. I went to make sure it wasnt muted in the mixer, and I see the weirdest thing. The application "System Sound" is disapearing in and out very... windows 7 sound mixer...
Fixed issue stopping multiple animations from playing, only the most recent would play (frames array was being overwritten, thanks Legrandk)Version 1.0.4 (September 18th 2013)Small fix to Phaser.Canvas to stop it from setting overflow hidden if the parent DOM element doesn't exist. Added Loader...
Sound.fadeIn(duration, loop) will start the Sound playing, or restart it if already playing, set its volume to zero and then increase the volume over the duration given until it reaches 1. At the end of the fade the Sound.onFadeComplete event is dispatched. ...
Animation.next will advance to the next frame in the animation, even if it's not currently playing. You can optionally define the number of frames to advance, but the default is 1. This is also aliased from the AnimationManager, so you can do Sprite.animations.next(). Animation.previous ...