1、有时候我们在找到element的时候,发现识别不了,路径检查了很多遍也觉得没事,这时得注意是否是window、frame类型的 nowhandle=browser.current_window_handle browser.find_element_by_id("btnAddLocation").click() browser.switch_to_window(browser.window_handles[-1]) browser.find_element_by_xpath("//div[...
Identify All Windows: Use getWindowHandles() to retrieve all open browser windows. Switch Control: Use switchTo().window(windowHandle) to focus on the desired window. Locate Elements: Use standard locator strategies (for example, By.id, By.xpath) to interact with elements in the active window...
In order to declare explicit wait, one has to useExpectedConditions.The followingExpected Conditionscan be used in Explicit Wait. alertIsPresent() elementSelectionStateToBe() elementToBeClickable() elementToBeSelected() frameToBeAvaliableAndSwitchToIt() ...
await driver.switchTo().frame(1); //通过索引号切换iframe await driver.switchTo().parentFrame(); //切换到当前iframe的 父iframe await driver.switchTo().defaultContent(); //切换到最顶层默认框架 4.鼠标键盘指令 await driver.actions().sendKeys("ai-bot").perform(); //发送文本,也可以是键值 ...
Switch to webpage frame Switches the IA-Connect Agent to controlling or interacting with an alternative frame within a browser page. Switch to webpage parent frame Switches the IA-Connect Agent to controlling or interacting with the parent frame of the current frame within a web page. Switch ...
There's two new methods to switch to frame: switch.toFrameByXpath(xpath) and switch.toFrameBySelector(selector) #1880. Add a timeout to gecko profiler gzipping phase, thank you Nazım Can Altınova for PR #1896 Pin CPU freq to fastest for Samsung A51 (if you have a rooted de...
. This interface is accessible by invoking the method switchTo() in a WebDriver object. Table 4-8 describes its public methods. Table 4-8. TargetLocator methods MethodReturnDescription frame(int index) WebDriver Change focus to a frame (or iframe) by index number. frame(String nameOrId)...
(from https://github.com/jnicklas/capybara#beware-the-xpath--trap)Scoping within frames / iframesTo restrict the scope to a frame or iframe, locate the frame by its name,id, title or the text of an h1 element within the frame:
After calling this action the IA-Connect Agent will not switch to a new active tab by default. To re-attach to another tab you will need to the call 'Set browser tab' action before attempting to interact with the page. Close Chromium Edge browser Closes the Chromium Edge browser which ...
self.switch_to_frame(frame) # Switch into the iframe container. self.switch_to_default_content() # Leave the iframe container. self.open_new_window() # Open a new window in the same browser. self.switch_to_window(window) # Switch to the browser window. self.switch_to_default_window()...